Chapter 8: Interview with Ellen

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She sat in a plush leather seat, her hands shaking violently at the thought of all the people seeing her perform, and also the millions watching through the t.v. She knew she couldn't mess this up, that she had to make her uncle and his multi-billion dollar corporation proud. She breathed in deeply and looked around at the backstage area, she could see the workers running around like scattered ants.

Each one having a purpose and a reason as to why they stayed here, be it money, or just the general love for what they do.

She was so deep in thought she didn't notice a arm snake around her shaking shoulders, she jumped a little. She turned in her seat and saw Bruno's smiling face as he stared worriedly at her. He got close to her ear and whispered in it, " Everything will be okay, I'll be watching you, I know you'll be fantastic".

She felt her face heat up slowly at how he was so close within proximity, she gave a small nod in his general vicinity. She felt someone tap on her shoulder, a young woman with white blonde hair stood in front of her, she gave a gentle smile, her blue eyes beaming.

" Hi Raina, I'm Ellen, just wanted to say I'm excited to see what you've got for us. We will be starting soon, so you may wanna get into place".

She smiled a soft smile, " okay, and thank you, it was so nice getting to meet you". The woman chuckled at her nervousness, " Likewise". She watched as Ellen strutted off with a skip in her step. She looked back to Bruno, he smiled at how innocent she looked in that moment, " go knock them out". She nodded and walked to the position area.

She could hear Ellen talking on the other side of the walls, the band long over due in tuning, she shuffled her feet slightly, she could hear Ellen talking about what was to happen on the show today.

" And now I'd like to present an upcoming artist, her name is Raina Vasquez, so let's give her a warm welcome as she performs for us".

She watched as the wall slowly opened and a crowd came into view, she felt adrenaline pumping through her body, but in that moment, she felt free. She heard the music begin playing behind her.

She felt the crowd roaring in applause when she finished and she bowed Gracious for there time. The walls slowly closed, but her attention was drawn to Bruno as he sat with his mouth hanging out dramatically, still feeling the burst of adrenaline and some confidence she went up and closed his unhinged jaw.

She chuckled at him, " if your that surprised then you should be even more surprised at this". She leaned in and kissed his cheek, when she pulled back she saw a blush beginning. She giggled and started to walk off, him following behind her slowly.

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