Chapter 5: Quite the Shock

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She sat in the recording booth, her head on her hands as she pondered over the recent outcome, thoughts whirled through her head, threatening to tip her over the edge. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the booth door open, and a patch of curly black hair pop into the small room. Bruno slowly walked up to her, and tapped on her shoulder, She shot up in the chair and let out a startled shriek along with it. Holding her hand over her chest, she listened as it pounded almost seeming to leap out of her chest.

She turned to look at Bruno who was curled up on the floor laughing his ass off, her expression only made it worse as she glared down on him. Then she started to chuckle, " So you found scaring me fun, huh"? He looked up at her and wiped the tears from his eyes, " Yup it sure was, But you just had to see your expression, It made it even more hilarious".

She smirked down on him and got up into his face, " Then I guess you should scare me more often", She said this and winked at him. His face slowly started to turn red as she said this, his hand went to cover over his mouth, then an idea popped into his head. He cleared his throat, which seemed to gain her attention, " Hey Raina, I have an Idea".

She gasped at this, " Oh no that's really bad, EVERYONE CLEAR THE BUILDING"...

He rolled his eyes at her demeanor, " Seriously Raina it's important to me, Please just hear me out as my assistant".

She smiled and nodded her head, " Whats your idea curls"?

He chuckled at her nickname for him, " Well I was Thinking maybe we could record that song you were singing, It was really good, You did write it, Correct"?

She shrunk into her seat almost as if it could camouflage her entire existence, " Well I--I, You see, there sort of private, But I guess I could try it out".

He nodded at her, he nudged her into the sound booth and told her to sing not randomly, But with the same passion he heard when she was singing on her balcony at her penthouse. She gave him a thumbs up and motioned for him to begin spinning the track, a few seconds later a beat was playing and she decided to sing something sultry.

When the song ended she could see him frozen in shock as he stared at her, but this time his eyes didn't show the same cheerfulness they did, they showed love, and it was directed towards her, and only her...

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