Chapter 6: A Record Deal

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She sat on her living room sofa, it's plush seats holding her comfortably, she was going through her iPhone and reading her latest text from Bruno aka ( Peter Gene Hernandez). She giggled at there messages...

B: So what are you up to today?

R: Nothing as of the moment, just lounging around...
What about you??

B: The same as you....
     Wanna have a movie day at your place?

She smirked and looked around the room, the space was immaculant and spotless, so she began typing back...

R: Only if your buying the food

B: why of course my lady, be there in a hour...

She set her phone down and smiled as she looked out the window, she didn't know what to feel, but at the moment it was a sense of euphoria.

She was drawn out of her thoughts to her phone vibrating, she quickly snatched up her phone, and saw it was her uncle.

R: Hi Uncle Nathaniel, how are you?

N: I'm good Raina, but we need to discuss something.

R: And that would be?

N: why didn't you tell me you could sing so good, and who sent me this video of you?

She froze in her seat, her mouth slack jawed as she thought of who could have sent it, and only one person came to her mind.....Bruno
Oh he was in so much trouble, he knew how shy she was and closed off.

R: w..well was B..Bruno

N: well you can thank Bruno, because of him, I'm giving you a recording contract, Welcome to Star Records.
Now I must go, I have appointments to attend too. We'll chat later...

R: G... Goodbye

She hung up and sat on the couch in shock, she heard someone knock on the door, she looked through the peep hole and noticed it was Bruno. She yanked the door open and tugged him into the entry hall quickly. The quick motion made him tumble a bit, but he quickly adjusted.

" If you wanted me to come sooner all you had to do was say so" *Chuckles*

He looked up and saw that she had a pissed off expression, and it was directed at him.

" What! What did I do"?

She laughed harshly making him wince, " oh you've done enough Mr. Mars". She saw him visibly gulp, " I'm not getting out of this am I"?

She chuckled darkly and started to advance towards him, " Not a chance"...

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