Chapter 4: A Pinch of Flirtation

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She stared up at the tall building in front of her, it's white and grey accents twisted together making the remarkable tower that stood before her. She sighed in frustration for she knew she was late, and was bound to be lectured on her timing. She stood up straight and gave off an air of confidence, all while cracking under her fake exterior. She walked into the building the inside was made of dark wooded panels and glass like  windows, bringing in light.

She walked up to the front desk and watched as a woman with strawberry blonde hair, twirled a hair strand Around her finger tip, and giggled on the phone. She cleared her throat as to gain her attention, " Ahem". It didn't work until the third time, and she spun around annoyed, and glared at her. She rolled her green eyes and talked into her phone, " Hey Miranda, I'll call you back, we have another annoying civilian".

She blinked her brown eyes and shook a little, mainly due to her being to nervous. The woman raised an eyebrow at her, after she hung up the phone, " what do you want? And if your selling something I'll call security on your ass". She flinched a little at her tone, that's when she got pissed, " how dare you speak to a client in that tone, why I should tell my uncle about this treatment".

The girl laughed at her, " oh ya and who's your uncle baby"? She felt confidence run through her veins as she puffed out her chest, " he happens to be the Big Boss, Nathaniel Vazquez ring a bell"? She saw the girls expression drop, and she began to apologize for how she acted. She turned around on her heel only to stop, " I appreciate the information you gave me to find where I should go, but perhaps you should change your tone". With that she made her way to elevator, all while thinking ' where in the heck did that side of her come from'???

Nathaniel's office

She lightly knocked on the door, only for it to swing open, and a very angry uncle stood in it's place. He pointed to a nearby chair, " Sit! Now!!". She quickly walked over to a white chair and plopped down, " I give you a time to be here, and yet again you were late, this better be good". She shuffled in her seat uncomfortably, and with a shaky breathe explained her entire morning.

She heard him sigh, " well at least you met Bruno". She looked at him confused, but as she was about to ask, a knock resounded off his office door, " come in". She turned and watched as Bruno Mars walked in, his hat tipped forward, and sunglasses on, " your late Bruno". Bruno sighed at Nathaniel, " I know Nathan, I will try harder to be more on time". She felt like she was chocking on air as he finally looked at her, a smirk present on his face, " Bruno this is my niece, Raina Vasquez, she will be your new assistant". He grinned like a madman,
" H...Hello Mr. Mars". She stuck her hand out for him to shake, only he kissed the top of it.....

" I told you, it's just Bruno".

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