Drunk P.2 and a Dream

Start from the beginning

There was this albino vampire that was pretty annoying, he kept on trying to make me drink some beer. Of course, I refused. He didn't stop, so I simply ignored him. But for some reason, he seemed oddly familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.

Before I realised it, I already made it in front the room I share with (M/n). Sighing, I opened the door and closed it behind me. I looked at the right side of the room to see (M/n) passed out on his bed.

Silently, I walked towards the side of his bed and stared down at him. He truly looked like an angel. I recalled how we first met...It was a memory that I will always treasure, even though he doesn't remember.


I was walking around my peaceful town, making my way to the market. Many humans and witches greeted me with a smile as they walked passed me, I simply smiled back and bid them a quick 'hello'.

After walking some more, I finally made it to the all too familiar market that I twice a week visit. I saw the lady at the register smile down at me.

"Hello, Gabriel. You're just on time.", she said, happily. She took out my usual order from the back of her shop and gave it to me. I was about to give her the money I had in my right hand but she simply waved both of her hands.

"No, keep it! I'll let it slip for today.", She said with a wide smile.

"T-Thank you.", I thanked her, quietly.

"Don't mention it. Have a nice day!", She yelled as I smiled at her.

I left the market and started making my way home with the bag on my left hand as I tucked the money in my pocket. I noticed three men staring at me, most likely the bag I was holding. Getting uncomfortable, I walked a bit faster.

"Hey, brat. What'cha got there?", I heard one of the men yell at me. I didn't respond, just like my mother always told me I had to do.

I kept on walking till I felt my arm being grabbed and the bag being stolen away from my hand.

"Hey! Give that back!", I demanded. The men just laughed at me.

"Go away, kid.", They told me as they looked at what was inside the bag. Tears started to form at the corner of my eyes as I saw them throw the bag on the ground.

"There's nothing useful, only stupid bread.", One of them said as he stomped on the bag, ruining the food.

"That's enough.", I heard someone say from behind me, I turned around and saw the almighty (D/n) standing there with a small boy behind him, seeming just the same age as me. I turned back around and saw the three men shivering in fear.

"My town is supposed to be peaceful, but of course scums like you have to ruin it.", I heard the powerful witch say.

"(M/n), sweetie, can you bring the little boy to our home and give him some of our food? Because those...meanies ruined it.", The small boy simply nodded and motioned for me to grab his hand. Warily, I did so. I finally took a full look at his face and blushed, he was beautiful.

I saw him hop on his besom and stare at me, "Come on.", I heard him say. I realised that he wanted me to fly with him on his besom. I gulped, 'I've never been on a besom before...', I thought, afraid.

The boy seemed to notice my discomfort as he said, "It's okay."

Slowly, I climbed behind him, on the besom. I thought the besom would be hard, but it was actually pretty soft.

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-Where stories live. Discover now