achilles davenport

Start from the beginning

Chloe heard footsteps behind her, eager ones, and she rolled her eyes. Why couldn't they take orders?

She turned around, stopping in her path, watching the two alert Avengers look around the area, both supporting an unconscious Bucky. She sighed, her foot tapping irritably. "Did you hear me? I told you to stay in the car."

"When have we ever listened to you?" Sam mused, a half-smirk on his face. "Besides, Sleeping Beauty over here is heavy."

Turning away from the men, Chloe walked up to the door, a sliver of hope blossoming in her chest. Her hand made way for the doorknob, turning it and jiggling it. Locked, of course.

Her trained eyes observed the frame and the stone wall surrounding the door. No keypads, no eye-recognition, no key under the mat. Chloe realized she would have to do it the hard way.

Sensing her unease, Steve spoke from behind her. "Can you not just kick down the door?"

Chloe almost snorted before reminding herself these two didn't even know the Assassins existed before two years ago. "Defenses in active compounds are tough to get by, much less abandoned ones. No, I'm going to have to do this a different way."

"You're going in alone?"

The worried voice of the Captain drew Chloe's attention to the three men. If the seriousness of their predicament wasn't resting on their shoulders, she would've laughed at the trio. She turned around, her attention still on Steve. "I don't care that you both were in the Army at some point in your life, I don't care that you had special training. This is an Assassin's building, meaning you're in my territory. There's a chance high defenses are in there, and I'm not putting you three in danger. So yes, I'm going in alone. If you have any complaints, I really don't care."

Not leaving them any time to argue, Chloe scaled the building and disappeared through a window.

Chloe slowly made her way down the compound, testing footsteps, looking for trip wires, and cutting off alarms. She cut off laser security, disengaged security cameras (after giving them a quick wave), and snatched the leftover smoke bombs for later use.

She finally reached the front door. The Assassin stood alert in the building, her ears perked for any possible intruders. All was clear in her mind, and she allowed herself to relax slightly.

Until her foot stepped on a pressure plate.

The sound of something tearing through the air made Chloe's reflexes step in, giving her time to duck out of the way. A dart struck the wall where her chest would've been. Her adrenaline spiked, and her eyes focused on the small, indistinct dispenser right on top of the door frame.

The Frye sighed through her nose, and looked up, seeing metal support beams above her. An idea formed in her mind. Chloe ducked down again and jumped as high as she could, her fingers just grabbing hold of the railings. She swung her legs out of the aim of the dispenser that triggered after her foot left the plate.

Chloe swung through the railings and finally reached the dispenser. Maneuvering around the railing, she found herself hanging upside-down, her knees and legs secured to the railings. The Assassin knocked on the wall around the machine, listening for a higher knock.

Her hand froze when she found a hollow knock, a smirk forming on her face. She triggered her blade, and slipped it through the dry wall, and snipping the chords inside.

Believing it to be safe, the teenager pulled an arrowhead from her pocket, tossing it down onto the plate. She waited for anything to go off and sighed in relief when nothing did.

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