Chapter 13: It was all a Plan

Start from the beginning

"Cute, that's really cute" I said while clapping.

He yelled out of fright and turned around to the sound of my voice. "Dammit Lyina you scared the shit out of me."

I laughed even harder. "Sorry baby I didn't mean too."

He finished lighting the last of his candles and picked up a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and put them on my lap.

"How you feeling" he asked while removing the pillows from my back and taking it's place.

"Yummy" I said trying to avoid his question. I picked up a strawberry and popped it in my mouth. The sweetness mixed with the chocolatey taste was just perfect.

"How are you feeling" he asked again. His arms were wrapped around me and squeezed me tighter waiting for an answer.

"I'm fine" I said while eating another strawberry.

"Lyina..." he said while pecking my neck lightly.


"What happens when we get back to school?"

"I don't know. What do want to happen" I asked while turning my body to look at him.

"Well..." he started." I want you for starters to be the girl that has my picture in her locker,and lets me walk her to class, carry her books, hold her hand..."

I giggled. "Raymen are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"I don't know what else to call it."

"Well, it's a yes for me."

"Good now I gotta tell you the rest. You also have to bake me cookies and bring me food..."

"Get outta here, I'm not doing any of that" I yelled.

He kissed my neck again and laughed. "It was worth the try."

DTR. Do the relationship. Which was exactly what Tami was screaming at me to do. Anyways I like Raymen a lot. I haven't felt like this about a boy in a while. And honestly I liked it, I liked the whole aspect of it. Raymen was sweet ,kind ,and funny. I couldn't help but fall in love with his personality. I don't know if it'll last but I rather try then regret it for the rest if my life.

"Can you stay the night with me" I asked.

"Why you wanna cuddle?"

I laughed."I just want to be close to you."

He smiled down at me and kissed my lips.

"You know I can't thank you enough for helping me win that prize."

"Yeah you can."


"By changing and spending the night with me."

He laughed and stood up, putting the pillow back behind me.

"I'm going to go get a change of clothes and come back ok."

"Ok" I said softly.

He exited the door and I couldn't help but to stuff my face some more of the strawberries that lied in front of me.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand and I reached over to pick it up till I noticed it wasn't mine. It was Raymen's. I picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

Soyna: We got the money in the bank this morning. I'm actually shocked that you and Manuel's stupid little plan worked, hurry and get home I miss my favorite little brother :* .

My heart sunk. What plan. How was this all a plan. Maybe they're talking about something else. No he couldn't be lying this whole time. No person could be that cruel. Not Raymen. The thoughts all came to me at once and I suddenly started to feel sick. I put Raymen's phone back on the table and grabbed the trash bin next to me. Nothing came up. I felt the tears building up in my eyes and I held them back. How could he do this to me.

"I brought Simi back with me" Raymen said while walking back in the room. He saw my face and immediately put the tiger down. "Zalyina what's wrong? What is it?"

"Nothing I just need to get some sleep. I forgot my parents are just next door, you can't stay" I said apologetically.

"It's fine, are you sure you're ok."

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok I'm going to check on you in the morning."

"Ok" I said softly.

He put out the candles and picked up his phone putting it in his pocket.

"Good night" he said before kissing my lips one last time and leaving.

I picked up my phone and dialed Tabashi.

"Yes princess."

"Tabashi I just got an email from school saying that my college course test will be moved earlier to this week. I need the next flight back home."

"Are you sure? You still have about 3 weeks till school starts."

"That's what the email says." I lied.

"Ok pyara, I'll get the plane ready for tomorrow afternoon so you can be able to say goodbye to everyone, and I'll make sure to send a car for Tami."

"Thank you so much."

"My pleasure."


Sooooo what'd you think??? Comment and let me know and if you did like it vote! I'm posting the next chapter tomorrow It's already written and just needs to be edited. Thanks for reading!

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