8. The Kiss

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(Note: PV means Play Video. I will tell you when it's appropriate to play the background music, unless you would like to start it rn. Either way, enjoy!)

The smell of death and depression filled the room.


Genji couldn't get Hana to release, so Reinhardt and Winston had to step in. "Hana please!... don't make this any harder...". She still was resisting and fighting to get out of the hold. Reinhardt glanced at Ana and gave her a look that she was familiar with in battle. The old lady sighed and pulled out her dart gun. She cocked it, aimed, and fired. The dart landed directly on Hana's butt. It did the job and put her to sleep. Ana looked at Angela with a disappointing face.

"Take her to her room please..." the older lady said as she patted Genji's shoulder. "Yes ma'am.." he lifted her and cradled her like a child, then walked off to her dorm room.

Soon after, the two tanks finished what they had started. They carried the caskets out of the air craft. Privately, Ana talked to the doc.

"Please tell me that you have changed your mind after you saw Hana break down into tears."

Angela dropped her head and avoided eye contact with Ana "I'm doing this to protect her..."

"To protect her?" Ana said with a growl "Gabe woke up, and so did jack..."

"Yes!...but not as them selves..." Angela shook her head "it's my fault that Jack and Gabe are different...now it's my job to protect Hana from any harm..."

"Then how will we do the funeral?..What if she wants the casket to be open? What if-..."

"I will figure out a way... maybe ask Winston for help. But until then, the funeral is in two days..."

Ana shook her head "...or, you can tell her the truth..." she then walked out of the garage.

Meanwhile, Genji was with Hana. The girl was knocked out. Genji watched.

"I'm so sorry Hana...you will never be alone..." he whispered.

He glanced at Hana and scanned her body with his eyes. He blushed because he noticed some cleavage. Inappropriate thoughts ran through his head about her. He couldn't help but stare at her lips. Few seconds later, he decided to get up from the chair and to lay by her side in bed. He lifted the covers and went underneath. Genji peaked his head out from under and his face was inches away from Hana's. Genji's face was cherry red.

"Kiss her!..."
"W-wait... she's asleep?!?! Isn't this rape?..."
"It's just a small kiss...what can go wrong?"

He kept questioning himself in his head. Finally, after a minute from arguing with himself, Genji leaned in and pecked Hana's lips. He pulled his head back and looked at Hana, making sure she didn't wake up. Instead, Hana scooted closer to Genji and began to cuddle with him.

"GAHH-?!? N-NO!..." he squealed inside his head. "I-I CAN FEEL... HER BREASTS!...."

From feeling her chest on top of his, something arose from under the sheets.  Through the sheets, it looked like a round stick figure. Genji's eyes widened  "H-HEY BIG FELLA!?!?!" He tried pushing it back down, but it wouldn't work. His friend would just jump right back up.

"damn..." he said pretty loudly.

Hana heard him and groaned while she rolled around. Genji saw her move around and new she was about to wake.

"CRAP....WHAT SHOULD I DO?!..." he asked himself in his head.

Hana slowly woke up. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She remembered what happened and looked around to see where she was. The sleeping beauty saw the cyborg covered up in blankets. "G-genji?... what are you doing?..." she said half asleep. "Um-...I'm cold..."

Hana raised an eyebrow "but it's room temp...."

"Is it?... well.. um-..." he stuttered. While he was trying to figure out an excuse, Hana stood up from her bed and walked over to Genji. She unraveled him from the blankets.


OOOOO (-; it's getting juicy!

Btw if anyone asks, I play anime music that I think will fit in as background music. Depending on the scene (:

I'm feeling a lot better now! So expect more chapters!

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