Chapter 11

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Mini Ladd's P.O.V

I look at Wildcat and give him a huge grin.

"Looks like the high and mighty has fallen pretty badly" I laugh as I show him the bounty. I then send a quick text to the other two people in our little group, so we can make a quick plan then get on to receiving the money.

Bounty on Bryce McQuaid
Wanted alive and as unhurt as possible
Reward: $1,000,000

Wildcat Smirked as he read the bounty. "Well, looks like we get to have some fun by fucking up Ohmwrecker's plan by getting this person first."

"Yep, and I've located him using the local street cameras, so we can go and get him before anyone else going for the bounty" Terrorizer says walking into the room while being followed by Moo.

"Alright boys, let's get this show on the road, you all know your jobs. Mini and Moo on extraction, Terrorizer on cameras erasing our trace of ever being there and I will provide cover for you guys.

Chilld Chaos's P.O.V

I look at Ze with a raised eyebrow. "So why are we helping Cry, Delirious and the cops who almost caught us thanks to the guy who Ohm wants?"

"It's quite simple Chilly Willy, Ohm is quite stupid for not realizing the power he has with his chemical he created, so we are going to give him a taste of his own chemical by giving him a shot of it and forcing him to tell us the antidote and he can finally see how much it hurts." He says calmly, before his calm state turns to one of anger "You know that they haven't been the same since Ohm gave them some of his chemical!" He snarled looking down into my eyes.

I look away, how could anyone forget what that chemical does to someone... we barely had enough time to contain them before they went into the final stage and try to kill themselves to escape the nightmares they were seeing. We had to put them into straight jackets in padded cells so they couldn't hurt themselves. Luckily we still have a trusted friend  that is  willing to help us take care of them...

"Don't worry, Ohm is going to get the punishment he deserves and everything will work out in the end." Ze reassures me getting this far off look in his eyes.

We rejoined the group, seeing that they were successful in getting CaRtOoNz out of his holding cell. We watch from the sidelines as they reunite.

"Well if you lady's are done, we have more work to do." Ze says as he walks towards them.

I keep my distance observing the group and watching to see how they react. My phone vibrates in my pocket, notifying me that there's a new bounty up for grabs. My eyes widen in surprise when i see the person who set the bounty, Ohmwrecker. (Same bounty as above)

"Well lets get to working then, we don't have much time left." Delirious says loosing his friendly persona and switching it to his stone cold one.

"Do you know of any place that Bryce might go if he was panicked? Like a place that means a lot to him or somewhere that holds  a strong significance to something big that happened in his life?" CaRtOoNz asks the group looking deep in thought.

"Well, there is one possibility....." Felix starts to say but trails off

"Come on you can tell us, we are all trying to  help Bryce here." Cry encourages

"When Bryce was 12 there was a terrible accident involving his family. His brother, Damien, went berserk and killed their parents, then he was kidnapped by his crazy brother, being tortured and tested on for almost four years before Damien messed up by letting a woman stumble on his captive. The police quickly arrived on the scene and he was put into a jail for the criminally insane, which is a mix of a jail ans insane asylum. So the only place that Bryce could would go to is his childhood home..." Felix concludes while being comforted by Cry.

"Then what are we waiting for! CaRtOoNz you start looking for him as a scout, Cry, Delirious and Felix will go ahead and wait at the house for him, and Ze and I will set up a meeting place with Ohm, saying we have Bryce with us and want to claim the bounty."

"What bounty?" Delirious asks annoyed

I show everyone the bounty that Ohm has set out so everyone knows what we're going to be dealing with. "This means a lot of powerful people wanting the reward, so we want to do this as flawlessly as possible so we don't get fucked up by other groups.

We all leave in our respective team positions to get ready for Ohm's downfall. Ze and i have gone to one of our safe houses to make the call/

Ohmwrecker's P.O.V

I'm really pissed off. How can anyone be so fucking stupid and impractical that they can't find one person. It's not that hard people, especially when the person that they are looking for is full of a chemical that fucks with their brain?! Like come on people one million dollars to find one person.

I let out a growl "If they can't do it right, then I'll just do it myself!" I snarl out at my reflection

I grab my gear and am about to leave to hunt for my pet when i hear my phone ringing. I rush upstairs to answer it, Good news maybe? I answer the call to see Ze Royal Viking and Chilled Chaos in the video chat.

"You are interrupting something very important, so if you don't have something equally as important to say then i'll be leaving." I say with irritation

"If you're interested, then we have a boy named Bryce in our care that you might want." Ze says smirking

I feel my heart stop for a second, They better not touch my property or else i'll torture them in such a horrible way they will be begging for death.

~Authors note~

Sorry for the short chapter everyone, there is no excuse for my lack of updates... So i hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good day/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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