Chapter 10

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Bryce's P.O.V

I have to get away from him


My lungs are running out of air...

My mind is full of fear...


My vision is getting blurrier the longer I continue...

Please someone help me......I can't go on for much longer....

I watch the world pass by me in a swirl of colors and muffled sounds. I can't recall my memories correctly......

..........I just have to get away from everything and hide somewhere safe......

...yes.....somewhere i can be safe....

.......But where is safe?..........

Everywhere I look I can see monsters

Their pointing and laughing at me!

I want to yell at them......

Make them leave me alone.....

.....Stop it....... I managed to whisper at them. But they just got louder

I cover my ears in hopes that I can block them out, but it's no use they just get louder

My ears are ringing, I stumble to the ground. Kneeling i close my eyes and press my hands closer to my ears. I feel a wet substance on my face, but i'm not concerned about it right now, i'm more concerned about making them be quiet.

STOP IT!!!  I scream out.

Third Person P.OV

STOP IT!!! Bryce screamed out to thin air.

He was desperate for the monsters to leave him alone and to him they were real, but the chemicals that were injected into him have reached the third stage. Soon, Bryce wont be able to grasp reality anymore... He will be in a state where all he can see are delusions and his past memories....

Bryce stood up shakily and continued on his journey to his childhood house. After what happened to Bryce's brother, the police made sure that the house would remain abandoned to make sure there wouldn't be another incident. Which leaves the house in the current state it was in when he was 12.

False Love ~ Brohm (BrycexOhmwrecker)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن