Chapter 6

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Ohm's P.O.V

I slam the door closed and lock it leaving him in the cell. 'How did I not sense that he wasn't human! How dare he make fun of me for not knowing! I'll show him, he'll regret his decisions!' I go into my storage area to grab some tools that i need for later. I look around and find what i need quickly, everything is organized, and i leave closing the door behind me. I start to think of different ways to make him feel pain. I let out a laugh deciding on a special method that I rarely use.

I turn on the tv to the news and see a picture of CaRtOoNz and i turn up the TV.

"-one of the major killers has been caught due to some information from an individual who has been gathering information on the killers running rampage in the city. With the help of two local officers, the information was able to be brought into light and was able to stop one of the lethal killers. The questions we are all asking now is who is the individual? How did they get the information? and what is CaRtOoNz's partner in crime going to do now? More of this exciting story tonight at eleven."

I turn off the TV, 'So Delirious's partner has been caught.' I smile to myself, that is one out of my way to be number one. The only one's in my way are Delirious and Cry, but i can deal with them later. Right now I have to teach my new pet a lesson. I grab the tools i got out earlier and go downstairs. I see that he's sleeping, 'Good it'll be easier to carry him to the table that way.' I set down the tools on a side table and go back over to the boy. I pick him up easily, he is pretty light. I lay him on the table and strap down his arms and legs. I check to make sure he can't get out of the straps. I slam my hand down on the top of the table startling him awake.

I watch him try to get out of his restraints and I laugh at his futile attempts. He stops and starts to shake. I walk over to my self of different mixtures, most are ones that i've created myself, but there are a few normal ones. I grab a vial that has a dark purple liquid in it and smile when i read the label. This mixture took a few years to perfect, but I did it. It puts the victim in a state of mind where they can't tell reality from hallucinations, the longer the person is stuck with the mixture in their body without any help will make their hallucinations worse and they slowly loose sanity. The hallucinations target their fears and worries and intensify them creating a never ending nightmare. The only way to depict reality from the hallucinations is that the hallucinations always have something in common with each other: usually with an object of some sorts. 

I get a needle from the tools i grabbed and fill it up with the liquid. I turn and see the boy looking at me with fear in his eyes, but he looks determined to stay strong through whatever i'm going to do to him. I step closer with a smile obvious on my face and i stick the needle into his arm and step back from him. I see him freeze instantly and look away from me staring at the wall trembling, his eyes are wide. He looks terrified at whatever haunts his dreams, I feel a pang of guilt, but I ignore it shaking away the feeling. I walk back upstairs locking the door behind me laughing quietly to myself. I have to leave him alone trapped in his own mind for about three days to get the best effect from the liquid. After that though I can use other ways to inflict pain on him and it will add more to the hallucinations.

I go into my kitchen when i hear a noise upstairs, I grab a kitchen knife and slowly walk upstairs to investigate. I look through each room, but i don't find anything. I go back downstairs when i hear the noise again, I growl in annoyance and go back upstairs looking again, but i still can't find anything. I go back downstairs and hear it again. "Come out you fucker!" I yell upstairs not enjoying being messed with. I don't want a repeat of the past. I wait for an answer but receive none, I sigh and turn around to face a poker-faced mask.

"Hello there Friend." he says before i feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and my vision blurs and I loose conscious.

Evan's P.O.V

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