Chapter 5

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Bryce's P.O.V

Evan and Felix have left for work, while i'm at Evans house for the day just chilling out. I go upstairs to the gaming room and play some random games to pass the time. It's getting late and im hungry, so i go to the kitchen to make some food. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, notifying me that i have a  notification. I pause for a moment taking out my phone looking to see i have a message from Evan.

E-Hey we're stuck at work until tomorrow because the Boss wants us to fill out paperwork on the case...

I let out a small sigh and frown. I really didn't want them to leave me alone, but it's work and i understand that. I quickly reply back with an 'OK, see you later' and looked through the fridge to find some food. I take out some cold pizza, then heated it up in the microwave. I feel my phone vibrate again. I unlock it to see i have a message from an unknown number.

???- You have something that you really shouldn't have

B- Um, i'm sorry but you have the wrong number

???- Oh, i know that this is right, Bryce. So be quiet and listen to what i'm going to tell you, or your 'Friends' might not be 100% all right when you see them again

What the heck! who is this person and do they have Evan and Felix? Or are they bluffing? I'll play along for now just to be safe.

B- ok, i'm listening, what do you want?

???- Good boy, now I want you to get all your video evidence of last night and destroy it, you have 10 minutes until your luck runs out.

I freeze, what do they mean by that? Dang it i'm wasting my time! I quickly run upstairs to my laptop and start to delete the videos. I have about five minutes left, and i haven't wiped the computers inner hard drive yet. I try to make my laptop go faster, but it's not working. The power suddenly cuts out and i let out a shriek of fear. I grab my phone, turning on the flashlight. I go over to the door and lock it. I can hear laughter on the other side, it sounds delirious. I feel a shiver run up my spine. I pull over a few chairs blocking the door. I back up until i'm by the window. I try to be as quiet as i can opening the window. I open it and climb out onto the low roof, i sit down sliding slowly down. My hand grabs a loose piece of roof and i'm sliding down fast. I end up rolling on my stomach and fall off the roof. I feel pain in my back and i have a few minor cuts on my arms and legs. I stand up letting out a hiss of pain.

I hear the laughing again, and i freeze. I turn around to see the masked guy that is on the footage. I did delete the videos, but i still have them saved into a special program i created myself, no one knows about it, but i have given the password to Evan and Felix. I have told them both to go to our old club house when we all became friends, and open the files i have there If something bad ever happened to me.

"You deleted all of the footage very quickly, i'm impressed." He says with a smirk in his voice.

"I did do as you say, now what do you want?" I ask trying to stay calm

"I already have what I came for, and another thing, but I don't like to let witnesses live, especially when they know too much." He growls at me. I step back as he starts laughing.

"You seem like a good sport, so i'll give you a chance to run. It's going to be like hide and seek, You have to survive until this time tomorrow without me catching you and i'll let you live, but there are a few rules~ You can't go to the police, no recordings of anything, and you have to give me your phone."

I look at him, i could probably avoid him until then, i have a few safe houses but i haven't been to them in awhile. I take out my phone and quickly turn on my own security system I've set up on my phone. It will continue to hide my password, and crypt it if anyone even tries to unlock it. Unless they know the proper passwords to unlock it, and they only could do that if they have my original computer i used to make it. Luckily I've kept it in our club house basement. I hand him my phone with a sigh.

False Love ~ Brohm (BrycexOhmwrecker)Where stories live. Discover now