Chapter 3

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Bryce's P.O.V

Evan, Felix and I were all playing Gta 5  and other random games together, we end up messing around, causing us to go into laughing fits. After a few hours of this, we decide to watch a movie. We all get up, walking downstairs to the living room. Evan then goes to his  large collection of movies and stares at them for a second. "So what kind of movie are you guys up for?" Evan asks us turning around looking at us expectantly

"What about a movie with adventure?" Felix asks looking at me, waiting to see if it was fine or not.

"Ok, but it hast to be a comedy also!" I yell smiling as Evan turned around to pick the movie after a few minutes of looking, he pulls out a movie and puts it in the DVD player. "Felix get the snacks ready, while Bryce and i grab the pillows and blankets." Evan says  and starts to walk upstairs, dragging me so i can help carry down some pillows, blankets, and bean bag chairs.

"After the movie can i borrow your laptop?" I ask Evan as he throws a few pillows at me. I catch them as he opens the closet grabbing out a few fluffy blankets, setting them on the pillows i've stacked in my arms.

"Sure, it's in the gaming room when you want to get it." He smiles at me, grabbing a few bean bag chairs, he walks back downstairs, creating a giant pillow/blanket/bean bag chair nest. I sit down on the middle bean bag wrapping one of the  giant fluffy blankets around me. I snuggle into my area, getting really comfortable. Felix soon comes in carrying a tray covered in snacks: Popcorn, gummy worms, ice cream, skittles, M&M's, a few cookies, and some pizza. Evan follows in right after him with his arms full of drinks: Soda, and a few water bottles.

 "So what movie did you put in?" Felix asks as he sits to the right of me, getting comfortable in his spot.

"Well I put The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in since it is an Adventure comedy." Evan says sticking his tongue out at Felix. I start laughing, and they soon join the laughing fit. We calm down and Evan starts the movie. About half way through Felix fell asleep, 'probably from the exhaustion of work.' When the movie is over I stand up with my blanket, seeing Evan has also has fallen asleep. I let out a small giggle, covering my face quickly, so I don't wake them up. I step around Evan's legs and quietly walk upstairs going into the gaming room. I turn on the laptop, and pull out my phone. I connect my phone to the laptop, and go into my self put in cameras. I'm soon in the camera's footage from earlier tonight. I get up and grab a pair of headphones plugging them into the laptop, so I can listen if he says anything. 

I play the footage, watching as he inters through the front door, and i notice that his face is pointed away from the camera, even though he is wearing a mask. He very quietly sneaks upstairs, not seeing me in the living room asleep. I switch cameras to the upstairs hallway, I still can't see his face and see him looking into the few rooms i have up stairs: bathroom, office, guest bedroom and my bedroom. I have cameras in all of them except the bathroom, because that is way too creepy and weird. He goes into my bedroom first, picking up my manuscript for my next book i'm writing on the case I just help solve. It is only the information on the case and a few ideas i had for it. I glare as he puts them into his pocket. 'That jerk stole my idea planner, he is going down!' I think, as he goes into my office. He is still managing to have his face away from the camera! I growl as he opens my laptop. Then i give a smile, this idiot doesn't know that my computer takes a picture once it is turned on. There is no warning, and nothing will pop up, so any intruders wont know. I also have it so my laptop saves the pictures to several different places: I'ts internal hard drive, directly to my phone, a SD card that is in the slot, and to the pictures area as a decoy. 

I have a perfect view of the screen and I watch him as he cracks his figures, pulls out a USB drive, then goes into my documents. 'What is this guy looking for?' I hear as he growls in anger and slam shut my laptop, breaking it. He takes the USB drive and puts it in his pocket.  I stare in shock, 'How dare he break into my house and break my laptop and steal from me, who does this guy think he is?!' I glare at him, watching as he leaves and walks back downstairs, going into the kitchen. I watch him as he makes noise opening and closing drawers. 'Either he is really angry, or he is trying to bring me out of "hiding" clever guy.' I think, as I see myself on the cameras sneaking out the door. I watch as he turns and looks directly at the camera in the kitchen, and lifts up his mask so i can see his mouth. He smirks at it, lets out an insane giggle and run towards the back door, where i can see myself leaving. I hear myself yell a faint Nope as i run away from my house.

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