Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Three

Start from the beginning

I head downstairs to find Slane seated in the modern living room.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

"Not much. Just thinking of how cooped up I've been here."

"So get out. " I suggest simply.

"It's not that easy. My eyes are sensative to the world outside, you know that."

"Wear some glasses." I shrug.

Slane chuckles, "I have business to work out here." He sighs irritabley.

"You always have business, Slane."

"Yeah, yeah...I know. Anyway, what are you up to today?"

"I honestly don't know."

"What did you do last night?"

"Uh, I went to that dance and stayed out late with my friend."

"I hope your being safe."

"What?!" I cry in embarassment, Slane bursting out with laughter.

"Just teasing you."

"Ugh..." I groan, shifting position.

"Well, I say take advantage of the rain. Sunshine is too common, get your butt out into the cold, wet, rain."

"In a while...I need breakfast." I get up, heading to the kitchen.

"See you later, then." Slane calls after me. We don't socialize. I think it's because we both don't want to bring up what happened when Slane adopted me into his care.

I manage to find my special spot again. The rain is leaving droplet marks all over my clothes, soon to be soaked. I can't stop seeing Emilia. I feel like it was my job to save her, even though she's me. I decide then, that in order for Emilia to be safe, I have to be too. I am Emilia. I carry her spirit. And I can't die a second time. Someone was after me. i knew it. Last night, I could feel Ryan's cold arms wrapped securley around me, a hint of fear in the atmosphere. We were running fast, my hidden face against his chest. I knew I was safe with him, but I knew he knew something I didn't...Ryan...was different. I knew that for a fact. All I had to find out was what that difference was. Staring into the deep blue water, I realized how much i wanted to just dive into it and hide there forever. Why not? Why can't I hide under the pretty lillypads with the fish? Because I have a life, a task. So I decide to jump in just for the hell of it. Placing my arms over my head, I take a deep breath before stripping down and diving into the water. The freezing ice water submerges me, entering my ears and mouth, my lungs. Making me rise to the surface coughing and sputtering. My skin feels numb from the cold, it's hard to move in this water. I love it. I painfully sink to the bottom again, the cold stinging me with pain and satisfaction. I rise once again for air, breathing heavily and spitting up water. Stop... I tell myself as I sink again. Why are you hurting yourself? I come to my senses and realize that what I'm doing is sick. But by the time I'm at the surface of the water again, I'm breathless. Drowning. My lungs breath in and out, burning themselves so they feel raw.

It becomes shallow enough to where I can drag myself up onto the bank. I find myself shuddering beyond belief, and it feels as though my throat, diaphram and lungs are all frozen. My head begins to spin and pound. No... But I've already given out. I see Emma walking towards me, gliding across the water. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She looks so strong and powerful, yet serene and stunning. Every step she takes, the water splashes up into bright white magic, falling peacefully to her sides.

"Emilia.." I sigh with a dying smile. She looks down at me with bright eyes, cocking her head to the side.

"Get up." She says smoothly.

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