Season 4

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Okay this is kinda of my review of the trailer.

Sooo first the first thing you see in the thumbnail Kanan and Hera like SUPER CLOSE, no offense to Hera X Kanan shippers but I am personally a almost complete Ezra X Kanan shipper. Okay next, oh my god, I can't, *sigh* Agent Kallus's new look 0_0. He *laughs* heh, I gotta say, he is HANDSOME OKAY?, but Ezra is more....*caugh*...okay.*Laughs*. 

AND when Hera said: Simple story, about a boy..who was lost. AND IM JUST LIKE OH MAH GUUD, what in the galaxy will happen in this season......also I swear if Kanan or Ezra or anyone from The Ghost crew dies I will be going to the producers and lock them in my basement(I dont have a basement) and and torture them untill they bring the gone character back. I have a feeling Agent Kallus will die Idk why, doesn anyone have the same feeling?

And I'm obsessed with that wolf that Ezra and Kanan were on. Don't judge.

And also it's like this:

Season 1, meeting the characters, funny business, some serious scenes that I adore(EZRA DARK SIDE YAAAS*Caughs*, going back)

Season 2  Ashoka is there then disappears, things get serious, rebellion

Season 3 Ezra finding the balance, Maul problems, THINGS GET MESSED UP

Season 4 The end.

Honestly I would give anything for more seasonsss!!

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