Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You

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A beam of sunlight woke Frank up. He groaned and hissed, then turned into the soft skin next to him, burying his head under a pillow to block out the bright sun in his eyes.

"It's too early," he mumbled.

"Is it too early for coffee?" a familiar voice asked. Frank looked up and saw Mikey in the doorway.

"Mikey Way, do you love me?" Frank asked playfully, his voice still muffled in the pillow.

"Yeah, well...," Mikey blushed. He could not get over how everything seemed to work out for them. He crossed to his brother's bed and sat down in the chair next to it. "Is he awake yet?"

"Not yet, Mikes,"

"Rough night?"

"Just an accident. Had to change him and the sheets and give him a bath, but it was alright," Frank said, looking over at the patient next to him fast asleep, his C-PAP doing it's work helping him breathe as he slept.

"He must have felt bad,"

"Actually, he was asleep through most of it. I think his catheter came a little loose,"

"You take such good care of him," Mikey smiled, handing Frank a mug of hot coffee in one of his hands.

"He deserves it,"

"He does. Well, I'm going to start breakfast then,"

"I'll wake up Gee and we'll join you,"

"Okay," Mikey said, leaning over and kissing Gerard's cheek. He then kissed Frank lightly and left. Frank sighed and then leaned in and kissed Gerard.

"Gee, Gee, come on baby, time to get up," Frank cooed, lightly shaking his body. Gerard groaned, struggling to open his eyes. He was still far too embarrassed from last night's incident. He hated how the stuff he's tube-fed daily always messes with his digestive tract, and the mess it always leaves afterwards. Something else about him didn't just feel right this morning for some reason.

"Come on, beautiful. Open your eyes for me," Frank whispered in Gerard's ear softly, stroking his hair as he took of his breathing mask. Gerard did so, his half-awake and weary eyes typing his words on the device's monitor above his bed.

"I'm sorry about last night, Frank...," he said, feeling lower than a dog for the mess he made all over himself for Frank to clean up.

"Stop it. It was fine. I was fine, Gee," Frank laughed.

"You sure? I can only imagine how bad all that shit was to clean up, even though I was only a quarter awake,"

"It was really not that bad. I caught it in time, so it was pretty easy. Now stop worrying and kiss me, pumpkin,"

"You're gonna have to do that for me. I can't move my neck or mouth anymore," Gerard frowned in his mind. Yesterday he was able to move his lips...a little bit. Not today, though.

"Gee...I know that. Stop taking everything so seriously," Frank rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss Gerard. Just as Frank did, Gerard found himself at a loss of air. He gasped and choked, coughing and hacking like he's been doing for the past few days, no thanks to the cold he caught.

"Gee, I think you're getting sick. We should take you in to get checked," Mikey said, walking back into Gerard's room.

"I agree with Mikes, Gee. Better to be safe than sorry,"

"I know. I've been coughing really bad lately. Damn this weather,"

"I'll call them and let them know we're coming. Mikey, you wanna get Gerard dressed?"

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