Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay

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"Frank, you gonna come back to see Gerard?" Mikey asked, talking to Frank on the phone. "You're no longer barred from seeing him, and...I'm sure he misses you,"

"Yeah, I will. I just want to finish getting the apartment ready for his return,"

"Alrighty then. Dr. Urie said that Gerard should be awake by now...but he still isn't. He's really starting to get concerned,"

"He will be soon. Don't worry,"

Frank disconnected the call. He had to thank Dr. Urie when he saw him again. If he had not thrown him out, Frank would not have realized that he was in a downward spiral.

"Everything for a reason. Right, dad?" Frank smiled and went back to his task of playing on his acoustic guitar.

_ _ _

"Hey, Mikey. How are you doing?" Georgia walked into Gerard's room.

"I'm fine...just waiting," Mikey said as he sighed deeply, sitting by his brother's bedside. He couldn't help but notice how thin Gerard's gotten, as well as the tube up his nose feeding him, as well as the other one down his throat helping him breathe.

"I heard. Frank suggested you might want to talk,"

"I...I kinda do. I guess I really gotta talk,"

"It can only help you go forward in life, and it will be helpful with your brother in understanding how he feels,"

"I know. I really, really wanna help him in any way I can. I want him to live a good life before he...passes on. I'm just scared how he'll be when he wakes up, and he realizes he's gotten worse. It'll really break his heart...and I wanna try to make the best of the situation,"

"That is most admirable of you, Mikey. It is that kind of positive thinking your brother needs,"

"Thank you, Georgia," Mikey smiled sadly, wrapping his hand around his brother's and holding it tight.

"No problem. I'm going to get some coffee, you want some?"

"Yes, please. Watching after my brother can get tiresome, I must admit,"

"Come with me to cafe. It's right downstairs near the lobby. We'll be back in a few minutes," Georgia offered her hand to Mikey, who reluctantly took it as he kissed Gerard's forehead before he left.

"I'll be right back, Gee,"

Georgia helped Mikey up and they left the room. He walked with her, taking the elevator down to the floor where the cafe is. Dr. Urie walked into Gerard's room, just to see him asleep.

"Hello, Mr. Way. It's nice to see your brother taking care care of himself too, huh?" he examined the machines by Gerard's bedside, looking at his vitals.

Suddenly, it happened. Gerard sleepily opened up his eyes, those green and brown orbs of his foggy and disoriented. He looked around the room, searching for anyone he knows for security and reassurance. Where is he? How did he get here? How long was he asleep? What even happened?

"Ah, welcome back, Gerard. Give me a moment," Dr. Urie pressed his communicator. "Please let Mr. Michael Way know his brother is awake. He is in the cafe. Also, please inform his caregiver Mr. Frank Iero. His number should be in the emergency contacts,"

Gerard moaned, unable to utter a single word from his mouth. It wasn't long before his breathing grew frantic, his body hyperventilating and uneasy as his eyes watered. Frank and Mikey aren't here. It's time for Gerard to go into panic mode.

"Easy, Gerard. Calm down. You have a tube in your throat. We need to pull it out," Dr. Urie said firmly. Gerard resisted, despite being unable to move. He struggled within the bed, but to no avail. He had lost movement in his neck, leaving him entirely vulnerable and shiftless, except for his face that is full of fear. A few other nurses and doctors came in to assist. Dr. Urie looked down at his patient. "Gerard, we are going to extract the tube now,"

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