Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long

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Frank was very careful around Gerard ever since what happened last night. He knew he had feelings for his friend, but he also knew that everything that happened to him would inhibit the both of them from moving forward. Gerard needed counseling,- and Frank knew just who to call. He walked up to Mikey and called out to him, who was watching some movie on the couch. He paused it to turn around and listen to him.

"Look, Mikey," Frank said. "I have a friend who can help Gerard. He...well, no--she's...she's a counselor for rape victims. I think it would do Gee some good, and she's willing to come to the house,"

"That'll be good," Mikey nodded in approval. "Gerard really needs help, especially now. He really doesn't look good today, though. He wouldn't even touch his breakfast," he sighed apathetically.

"I'll talk to her and set up an appointment. She's a really sweet person,"

"That's good. You wanna try to talk to Gerard about it?"

"I think you should, Mikes," Frank said, getting up to clean the plates in the kitchen sink from lunch. "I'll go call my friend now when I'm done here,"

"Alright, sounds good," Mikey got up and walked down the hall to Gerard's room. When Frank finished the dishes, he dialed his friend's number.

"Hey Georgia, it's Frank,"

"Hey, Frank. It's been a while," the feminine voice on the other line spoke.

"Listen, I've got a favor to ask," Frank said. "I've got a client for you. It's my patient I'm taking care of,"

"Oh, is it? Can I have the address? I'll come see him. It'll be good to reconnect with you,"

"It sure will. Our address is 290 Hickory Lane, apartment number 1823 at the Monroeville apartment complex. The zip code is 34699,"

"Alright, thanks. See you tomorrow, Frank,"

Frank hung up the phone. He knew that this was the right thing to do. If he ever wanted a relationship with any kind with Gerard, he had to get him to face the trauma of his rape.

_ _ _

"Hey Gee, are you getting to know the machine? I mean, thankfully you don't need it yet, but it's better to know how it will work," Mikey asked, eyeing the expensive communication computer he and Frank bought for Gerard's birthday, for when the time for him comes when he can no longer communicate verbally.

"Yeah...I know how it works," Gerard nodded hesitantly, his eyes vacant and apathetic as he read. Mikey sighed deeply, torn apart seeing his brother so forlorn.

"Look Gee, I think you need to talk to someone about what happened. Frankie has a friend and he said that she will come to the house,"

Gerard shook his head. He hated the idea of a shrink coming to his apartment to sit there, take notes, and fill him up to the brim with medication. He already went through the same shit in high school with his struggle with depression, and no, he wanted no part of it.

"No, Mikey. I don't need one,"

"Yes you do, Gee. Frank and I are both worried about you. Frank says you cry out in your sleep and cringe when him or I even touch your arm. You are not going to get any better until you talk about this,"

"N-no!" Gerard barked, shaking in his seat when his mind snapped back to the image of Marco touching his arm, brushing his hand against his skin. "I said I don't fucking need one!"

"You're being stubborn, Gerard," Mikey stood up to leave. "Look, she is going to be here tomorrow and either you talk to her or waste all our time,"

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