Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say

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"Man, one day after October and it's cold as fuck!" Frank exclaimed. He finished his cigarette quickly and then stubbed it out. He closed the sliding glass door to the balcony and wrapped his arms around himself, trying to warm up quickly. "You should stay wrapped up today too, Gee. I'm gonna turn up the heat a bit,"

"You poor thing, shaking like a leaf!" Gerard frowned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna throw on a sweater and reheat some soup,"

"How's Mikey? Have you talked to him at all recently?"

"Not since this morning," Frank yelled from the kitchen, turning on the stove and pouring some leftover soup in a pot.

"You think I can call him? I wanna make sure he's okay,"

"Yeah, I can do that for you, just let me finish up with the stove,"

"Okay," Gerard said. He really missed Mikey, even though it's only been a day. He just wished he's okay.

"All done," Frank said to himself. He turned off the stove and then grabbed his phone. He dialed Mikey's number, but it went right to voicemail. "Hmm. That's weird,"

"What's wrong, Frankie?"

"Mikey isn't picking up and it's going straight to voicemail,"

"That is weird...," Gerard felt a pang in his chest, already feeling worried for his baby brother.

"Yeah...hey, do you guys have a GPS on your phones?"

"I'm not sure,"

"I'm gonna guess yes, because no offense...but with you guys being...ya know, financially loaded, you can afford the best,"

"No offense taken, baby. I'm sure we can track him,"

"Okay, so let me get you settled for the night just in case I have to leave, but we can stay in contact with my phone," Frank said as he got himself dressed, thinking of everything.

"If I'm gonna be alone...who's gonna take care of me?" Gerard asked.

"Gee, you know I will always take care of you. I will make sure you are a hundred percent okay before I leave...unless you don't want me to find him,"

"I do want you to find him. I'm worried for him. I wanna make sure my brother is safe!"

"Trust me baby, okay? I would never let anything happen to you,"

_ _ _

"Frankie, I'm here," Rosalie knocked on the door. Frank opened it up and greeted her.

"Thank you for coming, Nonna. I will be back as soon as I can," he said.

"I know you will, bambino...but what will you do then?"


"They both like you...,"

Frank stilled and then thought about everything in the last 24 hours. He was so blinded by his duty to his best friend and then his declaration to him that he failed to notice Mikey's own non-verbal one.

"Oh, Nonna...I'm in a fool's paradise,"

"Yes, but my son didn't raise a fool, so you will do what's right,"

"I will. Take care of Gee for me please,"

"I will, bambino. Now go,"

"Will do," Frank kissed Rosalie and then walked out the door.

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