She let Julia try on the dazzling necklace. Then a bracelet or two over a glove and without. It was when trying on a strand of pearls that Vérité realized the clasp was broken. She decided they'd bring it in for repairs the next day while out shopping for shoes.


Bernard bought himself some gladiator sandals while Vérité was having no luck.

"If this keeps up, Julia, you can just let down all my hems and that will solve it. What in God's name was I thinking insisting on mint angora? It's like trying to find something that rhymes with orange."

"What about silver?" Julia suggested.

"And look like I was put together by Wrigleys?"

"Pewter then."

" Let's pop into Birks for the necklace and afterwards we'll try a ballet slipper at Capezio."

"Ooh," Bernard said. "I need a belt."

Once inside the flagship jewelry store, Vérité was set upon by no less than three employees.

"I have a clasp on a set of pearls that needs repairing," she announced.

"I'll go and get Darcell," a young saleswoman said, leading Vérité to an illuminated counter.

"Window shopping, Vérité?" said Minx McCall, sweet and tart as she entered the shop flanked by her favourite yes-men.

"Maintenance," Vérité purred. I had a teeny head start."

"And the Grand Canyon's a sidewalk crack."

"Now, now, mustn't believe everything your dermatologist tells you."

Julia's eyes lit with pride and Minx zeroed in on them.

"I see you've decided to stick things out. There's nothing wrong with being kept, I suppose."

"Nothing so far, right fellas?" Julia responded. Minx's entourage pursed their lips in unison.

"Vérité, when it's this one's turn to scratch your back, I hope she leaves skin."

"That's like nitrous telling me not to laugh," Vérité snorted.

"Have I hit a nerve?"

"I can see right through you. I can always tell when you're admiring something of mine by insulting it first. Julia is my personal couturière, an intellect as well as a beauty."

Minx's eyes rolled. "If you can't say anything nice."

"Point and laugh," said Bernard.

"You'd just love to poach my protégé, wouldn't you, you covetous old crab?"

"Maybe next time I'm at the bottom of the barrel, but alas, I've filled my charity quota for the season so..."

"So are you here for an actual reason or just to menace me?"

"As a matter of fact, I am shopping for a get well present. Virginia Larkin has the shingles. She thinks she picked them up from one of her physiotherapy sessions."

"Poor woman can't seem to get a break," Vérité said, suspicious.

"I know. That's why I thought I might buy her a silver back scratcher or something."

"How thoughtful of you. I'm sure the pictures will be online tomorrow."

Minx's skinny eyes fell on the strand of pearls in Vérité's hands.

"Are those Chauncey's pearls?"

"You know that they are. I'm not sure you didn't help pick them out."

"I never would have picked out an entire strand. You can thank me for the earrings."

The Favoured, The Fair and Ms. Vérité ClaireWhere stories live. Discover now