"Yes sir." I went back to my desk confused. What did he want to talk to me about?

"What did he talk to you about?"

"He just wants to see me after class."

"Oh no your in trouble again?"

"No Pete. He just said that I'm not in trouble but he needs to talk for a couple minutes. You and James can work on that prank in the library and I'll be down in a little bit."

"Okay." We waited for five more minutes until the bell rang and I waited for everyone to clear out. I waved goodbye to Pete and james. I walked up to the professor to talk when I saw he was talking to Remus. Remus seemed really sad and kind of looked scarred.

When Remus saw me he sort of flinched in pain? He lowered his head but the professor seemed to not notice.

"Hello Sirius. You know Remus? I'm pretty sure you guys are in the same dorm." I nodded. "Well Mr. Lupin is having some trouble with potions and he really is a smart kid. I hate to see him struggle with this. I want all of my students to succeed. And mr. Lupin needs some help. I was wondering if you would tutor him? Its only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And its after classes till you get the potion done. Plus he could help you with the homework part!" I was just starring at the professor. If he only knew. I nodded and left. I needed to tell James and Pete.

"S-sirius?" I heard a small voice and I turned to see Remus standing there looking at his feet. He was swaying back and forth and it was kinda...cute- nope no no no.

"Yeah?" I gulped. He was my friends enemy so he was mine right. But his face. I just couldn't help but think of him crying that night. It kind of broke my heart.

"W-well I was w-wondering can we not t-tell the others about- about the tutoring? I don't want to e-embarrass you." All I do was nod. The words wouldn't come to my mouth. He ran off to I think the dorms and I walked to the library. Should I go ahead and tell them? They were my friends and I'm supposed to tell them everything right?

"Hey Sirius what did professor want?" James had his feet on a table and was letting peter read a book.

"Nothing but my brain hurts."

"Mine too. James is doing nothing."

"Hey I made up a prank for Christmas!"

Pete and I shhed James and we laughed all the way back to the dorm. We heard voices in the dorm one was Remus. Who was in there with him? I cracked open the door to see and it was just Remus.

"Shh James. I swear I hear-" Just then we all heard a males voice. It was harsh and ruff.

"You little freak! Don't come Christmas you animal! She doesn't want to see you! I can't believe you would just leave her! You do hate her! You did this to your family! You little selfish dog!" The voice stopped and then the door to the bathroom closed. The three of is walked in and wondered where the voice came from. Why was it so harsh towards Remus?

Remus's POV

Why did the professor make Sirius tutor me. I really hope he doesn't tell the others. They would make fun of him just for helping me. I ran back to the dorm.

"Finally you freak!" I froze in place. I looked around to see no one in the room and felt better but then the voice was there again. "Come over to the fire you rat!" That was dads voice. Was he here is he going to hurt me? I walked over to see his face in the fire.


"Don't call me that. You are an animal. You ran out on your mother! I don't want to see your freak of a face anymore! Now you need to be punished! I left a silver coin on your bed. You will burn yourself 5 times. And I'm being kind!" I was about to cry. He was here?! I went over to my bed and saw the coin. Father was being nice. He usually burnt me more than 10 times all over. I could just burn my arm so no one sees. "You little freak! Don't come Christmas you animal! She doesn't want to see you! I can't believe you would just leave her! You do hate her! You did this to your family! You little selfish dog!" I was crying now. I knew she loved me right? No I was a monster! I was a dark creature freak!

I ran into the bathroom and rolled up my sleeve. I saw all the burns and scars that were already there. Layered on top of each other. I hated it it was ugly. I pressed the coin onto my skin and it hurt a lot. I almost forgot about the pain and so it hurt more.

"Ugh!" I heard from the room.

"Hey freak keep it down will ya?" I cupped my hand over my mouth and pressed the coin back to my wrist. Hopefully they would be gone around Christmas. Father would probably make me hurt myself even more. I was also getting sicker because of the moon. Before I turned into the wolf I always get weaker and weaker. I need to think of an excuse too. Madam pomfrey said there was a shack that would hold me during that night. She would treat to my wounds. This full moon was going to be bad since it was it was in a new place. The wolf hated new places and he would show it by ripping up my skin.

I just hope they don't notice my appearance. I waited till all the lights were off and I waited 30 more minutes and headed back into bed. I cried my self to sleep thinking of the next full moon.

The so much for reading. Even though y'all probably hate it. Its not the best and I'm trying to work on all of my books as much as possible I wish it gets better. Plz comment if ya have any requests for any of my books. I really want to hear what you guys think too. If I should keep going or not.

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