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I loved the moon. I loved it till it changed me. It had a certain force that always drew me to it. I loved to lay there in its light. Soaking it all up. One night I was out later. I knew mom would be mad. Dad would even kill me. I could hear his words now.

"Remus Lupin! You little rat!" He always scared me. Mom hated the way he pushed me around to do chores but she loved him to. She was nice. She had brown hair that fell down her back in loose curls. I didn't get her curly hair. I only got her sandy brown hair and brown eyes. She said under the moonlight that my eyes glimmered with gold specks. Then she would sing to me.

I wish she was there with me.

'Crack!' I turned around to a noise coming from the woods. No one lived around for miles so it couldn't be a villager. Suddenly I felt two dark glowing grey eyes watching me. Then suddenly I was knocked tothe ground and teeth dug int my shoulder.  Screamed in pain as they sunk deeper. Then I saw the werewolf blown off of me by a spell cast from my mothers wand. She saved me. She ran over to me and helped me up. Then my father was there defending us till he knew we were both safe. When we got inside mum was running around trying to find things to heal my wound. She gave me something to drink and in a few minutes I past out.

That was all my fault. If I wasn't out there so late. That would have never happened.

The day I got my letter to Hogwarts was the best day in my life. I was happy t be out of the house and away from my father. He wouldn't like me leaving though.

I quickly got all my thing and headed out the door to the train station. I had saved all my money for a trip out of London one day to be free but buying supplies for Hogwarts was better. But why would they let me go to Hogwarts?! Surly they knew what I was. I quickly shook off the thought and entered the crowded building.

"Oh hello dear is this your first time too?" A nice woman with long red hair looked down at me.


"Well this is James' first year too! How neat!" I looked over at the boy who I guessed was James standing next to her.

"Shut up muuuum!"

"James Potter you be nice! Now all ya have to do is run through that wall." I looked up at her. She smiled. "Here James you go first." I watched as the boy ran and then disappeared through the wall. "See? Easy right?" Then I started to run and ran threw the wall almost running into James.

"Watch it weirdo!" He spat. Then his mum showed up. I didn't want to hang around him so I quickly hopped onto the train to Hogwarts.

I've never been on a train. I haven't really been out of the house in six years. Of course now. Was eleven and out of that stuffy cramped basement father calls m room. I suppose I should be great full for what im given.

I quickly sat in an empty car and pulled out a charms book. I read silently until I heard the car door open.

"Hey can I sit here all the other cars are full!" A cheerful girl stepped in sitting across from me. She had red hair that went a little past her shoulders and bright green eyes.

I just nodded.

"Oh Im Lily by the way!" She smiled and held out her hand.

"R-remus Lupin." I shook her hand. My voice was kind of scratchy. I hadn't talked to anyone else except for father and mum m whole live.

"Well its a pleasure to meet you Remus. I hope we can be friends. Oh and you might want to get changed! We'll be arriving soon!" I nodded and stood to go change. "Aren't you excited! I just cant wait!" I quickly changed and went back to the car to find someone else in my seat across from Lily. She looked annoyed. I walked in to see the guys face.

"What doyou want freak!" Oh it was that James boy.

"James he was sitting there. Cant you find another girl to bother and don't call him freak!" He started to walk over to me.

"Fine ill call you loony!" He pushed me back and I saw Lily stand. Then he whispered into my ear. "Don't even think about being friends or anything more with her. She's mine and I will make your life a living nightmare." He spat into my ear. Good luck! I thought it already is. Then he left with the slam of the door.

"Dont listen to whatever he says.He is an arrogent prick! Anyway we should be best friends! Oh I hope we get the same house! Do you know any spells yet? Do you know any cool hexes?" We sat and talked about all the spells I knew already and she told me about some hexes. Then she looked out the window looking at the approching castle.

"Its huge!" I kept my eyes on my book. I had all the time in my life to read about Hogwarts. I already knew it had tons of secret places. It was my quest to find out where all of them are and make a map. I'd sat on my chewed up bed dreaming about the big castle and only wishing I could go. If you had told me I'd be going now I'd have laughed in your face. No way they would except a werewolf at Hogwarts! But here I am.

The train stopped and we all got off to see a big man, and when I say big I mean giant man, standing in front of a lake.

"Al y right fist yers im agrid and im the grounds kiper ear at good al Hogwarts. Ill be taken ya to the castl' and y all will be shorted by the shortin hat. Now every younin find a group o four and climb in a bout." I looked around when I felt a hand grab mine. Lily is a hero. She sat me down in a boat. I looked behind me to see her and another girl behind her. Then I looked in front of me to see a boy with long black hair. It wasn't that long only half way to his shoulders.

"Eh Remus this is Siverus Snape! Hes one of my childhood friends!" The guy with black hair turned around and frowned at me.

"Lily who is this?"

"Oh don't be jelly Siverus this is Remus we met on the train I thought we could all be friends!" Lily smiled and siverus looked me over one more time before grunting and turning back around as the boats began to move.

We all walked in the halls. It was quiet. Then we arrived at a big wooden door. It had all sorts of fancy writing on it and designs. They opened to reveal a big hall with four tables. Each table had older students already sitting down looking at us enter. It also had a banner above it that showed the table of each house. Slitherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. I really hope I dont get the same house as James. And I hope me and Lily and maybe even Siverus get into the same house.  Really wanted friends.

'You'll never fit in there you freak! You'll never have real friends!' I could hear my dads voice go off in my head as people started to go up and get sorted into their houses.

"Siverus Snape." The black haired boy stepped up and sat down. The hat was placed on his head and then there was a small silents until the hat yelled out " Slitherin!" Siverus ran to the table of clapping slitherins. There faces bored as they clapped.

"Lily Evans!" She stepped up and looked at me with a smile. Then the hat said "Gryffindor!" And she happily skiped over to the table going crazy with clapping and and cheers as they patted her on the back.

"Remus Lupin." Now was the time were I show my father wrong. I was not a freak I could make it into Gryffindor and have people pat me on the back. And have Lily as a close friend.

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