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Sirius' POV

Here I was ready to board a train leave my family of blacks and live my own life. Sure. Was the heir to the household but Regulus loved father. He would even betray me. So he could be that heir right? I practically skipped onto the train. My families house elves already loaded my stuff and I was free! Then I bumped into someone.

"Oh im so sorry!"

"Watch it- w-wait your a black, right?" I looked up to see a boy with messy brown hair.

"Y-yeah." I nervously chuckled.

"S-sorry its just I thought you would have snapped by now." He helped me up and I dusted the dust off my pants.

"Nah im nothing like the lot."

"Oh merlin sorry my name is James Potter." We shook hands standing straight. Then we both broke out in laughter. We were acting to proper. He also thought so. We started to look around for an empty car and only found one with a chubby blonde so we decided to join him.

"O-oh h-hello." The boy was shocked to see us in there. Poor kid probably thought no one wanted to sit with him.

"Hey my names Sirius Black." He nodded and turned to James.

"James Potter."

"Im Peter, Peter Pettigrew." The three of us got t know each other quite well. We also talked about certain pranks to pull when we get there. This new year is going to be fun with new friends. All I need to do is be in Gryffindor. Than I can prove my parents wrong. Maybe they'll even kick me out and disown me.

When we got off the train a mini giant showed us to the docks. There we had to pick a boat of four people.

"Hey have ya seen a gal with red hair? I was ganna ask if she wanted to be in a boat withus?" James asked.

"What aready have a crush mate? I swear Potters and redheads." I nudged James teasing him.

"There!" Peter pointed. "She dragged some other boy into a boat with her." I turned to see James grinding his teeth.

"Don't worry James. You'll get the gal. There probably just friends." We quickly got shoved into a boat. We were apparently the last students and there was enough that we had our own boat to the three of us.

The sorting happened fast people started going to all the different tables. Peter was in gryffindor and so was that red head James had a crush on. Then it was James turn.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled and I watched as everyone patted him on the back and cheered. I really wanted that.

"Sirius Black." Fuck its time. I have to choose. Family or Friends. I sat down on the chair and the hat was placed on my head. Then a loud voice popped into my head.

"Oh well yes... this is very interesting. A black. Yes I know exactly where to put you."

"Please not Slitherin. Pease not Slitherin." I chanted hoping it would work.

"Not Slitherin? Fine!"

"Gryffindor!" Everything was silent. Then someone started clapping then the whole table of Gryffindors started to cheer. I ran over to where James was sitting and Peter. I had the biggest smile on my face and was very happy.

Remus' POV

Lily and James are in the same house. Gryffindor. Great what am I going to do.

"Remus Lupin." I heard a snort from the Gryffindor table. Knew it was James but I didn't see why he hated me. He was obviously jealous for me hanging out with Lily but we were just friends.

I sat down in the chair and the hat was placed upon m head.

"Oh hello there." A strong but calming voice said inside my head. "A special person are you. A werewolf at Hogwarts. What a special year it is."

"Please not Slitherin. Please not Slitherin." I chanted. I didn't want to be like m father.

"Well I had another young man chant the same thing. Soooo."

"Gryffindor!" I sat there shocked. No not that either. Lily and I can still be friends if I was a hufflepuff or ravenclaw but living with James? No.

I moved to sit at the end of the table and Lily moved running to sit by me. She hugged me.

"Im so glad your in my house!" She chuckled as she messed up my hair. The I quickly fixed it.

Soon they brought out the food and everyone talked and ate.

Lily and I talked. I went to get food. Fuck silver. I pulled my hand away to see a burn.

"Whats wrong Remus?" Lily said concern fillng her voice.

"Nothing. Sorry it really nothing." She nodded and talked to another girl across the table. I decided to get out a bood and start reading.

Sirius' POV

That boy with the red head girl got into gryffindor. He didn't look to happy and James didn't either. Once he sat down the girl practically jumped on him.

I guess he was just jealous. The boy and girl seemed really close. I hope we don't get stuck in the same dorm. I don't hate the kid but James does and that would be awkward. Everyone was sorted and the feast began. We all dug in but I watched as the boy didn't eat as much. Once he reached for a dish, but he backed away like it hurt him. Then he didn't eat.

"I hope we don't get a dorm with that freak." James spit out. He really hated him. Did James even know the red heads name?

"James you cant be jealous of the guy if you don't even know his name."

"I do. I just think loony and freak suit him. And im not jealous!" I put my hands up in defense.

"Okay okay! But let up on the poor boy. He cant be that bad." I looked back to him and he was now reading a book. He didn't even eat. I couldn't help but feel bad. What was wrong with him? Was he really loony?

"I cant believe your defending that...that loser!"

"Oh come on you don't even know him. Cant you forgive him for wanting to have a friend. The red head seems nice and im sure they're just friends. Stop being so jealous when you don't even know the situation." James was pretty mad after Sirius said that but he got over it quickly as Lily came to sit by him.

"Hey carrots!"

"I cant believe you just called me carrots Black."

"Yeah Sirius shes more like a charming sweet strawberry." James sighed staring at Lily.

"So than we need a name to go with your red hair."

"Lily Evans." Lily started to talk to one of the girls sitting by Pete but she ignored everything the boys tried to say to get her attention.

Soon they were sent to their dorms. They were surprised to all be in the same dorm. They had one more dorm mate. They wished it was longbottom or something but they had no idea who it would be until they entered the room. They sat there in the room unpacking and choosing beds. There were three on one side and one on the other. The doorknob started to turn and Sirius held his breath. The door opened to show a small boy with sandy hair and bright green eyes.

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