Chapter 7: Progress

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(^Amethysts Hotel Suite^)

Well maybe it's perfect for two people a couple visitors because of the bed but you get what I mean. I unpack a little bit and then just admire the room. I mean, I can't believe my life has just changed in the course of 2-3 weeks. Before I was with my abusive and rapist older sister, but now I'm living in luxury and traveling to all the places I could ever go.

I pull out my iPad and FaceTime Pearl, of course she's not in Washington yet but she'll make it there. Speaking of her she answers on the third ring.

~FaceTime Call~
Amethyst- Hey babe, I made it to Chicago and my suite is nice.

Pearl- Good babe, I have a lot of hours to go, it's a 2 day flight, no stops either.

Amethyst- Aww, just keep smiling and think of me.

Pearl- For you, anything. I'm just so bored and alone. I've called a couple of my friends but they had to go. So know it's just me and you.

Amethyst- *smiles* I love you.

Pearl- I love you too. I wish you were here, in this comfortable bed, laying beside, in a thong, with wine.

Amethyst and Pearl share a laugh.

Amethyst- I'll do that when you pick out one for me. *smiles*

Pearl- *smirks* Hmm ok. Let's make a deal, whoever makes the most progress on rebuilding our empire, has to be the other person's sex slave for an entire night when we meet back up.

Amethyst- *blushes madly* O-oh ok.

Pearl- *smiles devilshly* Good, I love you and I'll talk to you later.

Amethyst- I love you too. *kisses the camera*

Pearl- *kisses the camera*
~End Of FaceTime Call~

I'm still blushing from what Pearl said about being a sex slave. I doubt I'll win this bet, I'm always submissive anyways and it is Pearls company so who knows what she has up her sleeve. But what if I do win? What will I do to her? Would she call off the bet and take control and fuck me senseless like usual, not that I'm complaining. Aww what the hell, I'm just over thinking this! It's just a sex bet, it's not like I'm gonna die.

I strip down into my bra and underwear with my silk robe that I brought with me and I go to the balcony and sip some wine. I get hungry so I go back inside with my glass and call room service to bring me a filet mignon with green beans. I get in the comfortable bed and turn on the TV and watch the news. As I watch, I hadn't noticed how terrible Chicago's crime is. I'm not in the crime parts but I'm gonna definitely donate some money for those who have lost loved ones and even their homes.

I start thinking of my speech and how to incorporate the troubles of Chicago into the speech. I know it's all about an explanation about the sudden bomb that destroyed the Club with people dead and injured, but I want to attack other points too, to insure that Chicago can be a safe place. As I was writing down my ideas and little notes, occasionally doing a little research, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and a feminine voice saying "Room service!".

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