Chapter 1

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The air was musty as it flowed through the open door into the shabby, decrepit office. Smelling of smoke and decay, the room itself hardly put up a fight; it couldn't have, even if it had contained the desire. Yellowing papers were strewn over every available surface and tattered books were piled disorderly against all four walls. Established cobwebs were stretched across each corner of the room and a layer of dust covered everything, even the overweight, aged man behind the desk. Wearing a rumpled, gray coat and pants, he completely blended in with his surroundings. The young man appeared to have no problem locating him, however.

Dressed in an inexpensive but neat outfit, the newcomer maintained an air about him that immediately commanded attention. The older man also felt the undercurrent and, the moment he heard the door creak back on its hinges, his head turned languidly in the direction. The visitor took advantage of the instant to express his purpose.

His voice was firm and strong. "You summoned me, sir." Though the words were chosen carefully and the epitome of submission, it was obvious from the young man's defiant dark eyes that he was inwardly rankled at the thought of displaying a subservient attitude to the man before him.

The individual behind the desk hardly seemed to notice his companion's feelings; he was so preoccupied by picking his teeth. After he had extricated the offending substance, he finally spoke.

"Nathaniel're late." With a nasally voice and sagging jowls that shook when he spoke, the man was a picture of revulsion. To make things worse, he was not simply unappealing to two of the senses; the younger man had begun to notice a sour smell which he was beginning to fear came from the man. Nathaniel took a deep breath through his mouth and endeavored to ignore the stench that was swiftly growing more pronounced.

"I was otherwise detained, Mr. Gaines."


This time the older man could not ignore the cold dislike in the other's voice. Despite the fact that he tried to shake off the chill of fear that crept down his spine, Gaines was overtaken by a feeling he had never felt before. Who was this Nathaniel Spencer? He asked himself, as he had many times before. The young man had appeared at his office door several months ago looking for employment and, though he rarely hired new faces, Tanner Gaines had hired him on the spot. Something in the younger man's face had hinted at secrets and darkness, and those were two qualities the man appreciated.

As Gaines studied his employee, he suddenly realized that he had yet to reply. A shaky laugh rose from his fleshy throat and filled the office. When he had at last controlled his emotions, he spoke. "Always secretive, Spencer." The older man's bushy eyebrows rose questioningly and his voice faded to a whisper. "What are you hiding?"


A slight smile graced Nathaniel's lips. He did hold secrets, of which Tanner Gaines knew nothing, but there was no chance that he would divulge them at this moment; maybe he never would. "You yourself know that it is important to keep treasures hidden, especially from those who would sell them at a high price." The words filled with hidden meaning, also served as a reminder to the older man of the meeting's true intention.


Gaines desperately attempted to take control of the situation. "I have a matter of great importance that I must discuss with you." Rummaging around on his cluttered desk, the man's grubby fingers produced a crumpled scrap of paper. Grinning greedily up at Spencer, he proceeded to read:

Mr. Tanner Gaines

Dear Sir, 

I have received information about a woman and her son who live in Apartment #38. They have lived there for several months now and have yet to pay adequate rent. Under your regulations, they must be thrown out. The woman herself is rather worthless. The son, on the other hand, might prove of some use. There is a wealthy general, by the name of Stephenson, who might be interested in the boy. I know you will take care of the matter. Signed...

Tanner Gaines closed the letter without reading the signature. In his business it was better to leave accomplices anonymous; you never knew who might give information to the authorities. Placing the note atop an already mountainous pile, the older man glanced up at his silent companion to gauge his response. Though Spencer kept his feelings well hidden, Gaines did not miss the slight spark of curiosity in the dark eyes. With a smile of satisfaction, he turned away. Nathaniel Spencer would do as he was instructed.

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