Chapter 9

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Smoke. I could definitely smell smoke. Did Elias leave the stove on? My eyes shot open.

"Alton!" I shook him awake. Something was on fire outside and we had to move. He sat up, grabbing his arrows. I grabbed the bag and we ran outside. The trees all around us were on fire, the air thick with smoke and burning branches raining down on us.

"Come on!" he grabbed my arm and we ran to the only place we could: the Cornucopia. We dodged falling trees, the fire moving faster and faster. A branch fell, burning my left arm. I kept running, not looking down.

We reached the ruins, the woods fully immersed in flame. Someone else was running with us, about twenty feet away: Florencia. This was it. The final showdown. The Gamemakers forced us here to fight and I only had a knife. Alton seemed to read my mind because he pulled an arrow from his pack, holding his bow out ready to shoot. I turned to see who else was coming when someone tackled Alton to the ground. I skidded to a stop, but I couldn't help him. Florencia was on me before I could think, an axe in her hands. She swung at my head and I ducked. I kicked her legs, making her fall and drop the axe. I jumped on top of her, thrusting the knife into her stomach. She yelled out in pain then shoved me off, the knife still stuck in her abdomen. She rolled on her side, clutching her stomach as blood gushed onto the ground. I turned my attention to Alton and Jimmias.

Jimmias kicked Alton in the chest, causing him to fly backwards into a pile of rocks. Alton fell to the ground unconscious and Jimmias advanced. I ran, picking up Alton's bow and arrow and firing it at him. I hit him in the side, causing him to fall over.

I was knocked on the ground, the bow flying out of my hand. Florencia had the knife in her hand, her abdomen still bleeding profusely. She sliced at my throat, but I kicked her off before she cut too deep. I jumped on top of her, circling my hands around her neck. I squeezed until she stopped moving, her blood loss making her too weak to fight me off.

From the corner of my eye I saw Termalyne and Cathius running towards the Cornucopia, the boy from District 2 close behind. He had my spears on his back, one in his hand ready to throw. I stood up, Jimmias still on the ground and Alton regaining consciousness. I ran towards them, grabbing the knife from beside Florencia. The District 2 boy threw his spear as I caught up, tackling him to the ground. He grabbed my hand holding the knife, pushing it into my neck. We pushed against each other's grasp until I forced it into his throat. Blood spurted into my face and he gave a low gurgling sound then became still.

I turned to Termalyne and Cathius, my heart stopping in my chest. Cathius laid on the ground, the spear stuck in his chest. His eyes stared off in the distance, Termalyne crying over his body. I closed his eyes, turning to Termalyne, but she was gone. She was running towards Alton and Jimmias, a spear in her hand.

"Termalyne!" I shouted, but she wouldn't stop. I ran after her, picking up a spear of my own. Jimmias turned to the little girl, an evil look in his eye. I screamed for her to stop, but it was too late. She tried to stab him, but he grabbed it before she could, yanking it out of her hands. He pulled back his arm, ready to strike. I threw my spear as hard as I could, my whole body lurching forward onto the ground.

The spear hit its mark, impaling his head. But it was too late. He thrust his spear into Termalyne's neck, blood squirting as she collapsed to the ground. I ran to her side, her face frantic as blood oozed from her mouth. The blood gurgled in her throat and coughed, more blood gushed from her lips.

"I'm so sorry, Termalyne." I smoothed down her hair. She gave me a small smile then stopped breathing. A tear fell onto her cheek and I wiped it away, closing her eyes. I kissed her forehead then looked up at Alton who had a gash over his right eye. We were the only two left.

I stood up, grabbing the knife. He picked up the axe, blood dripping down his face.

"It's only us now." I said, squeezing the knife in my hand. He stared at me then dropped the axe.

"Do it." he said, stepping forward. I shook my head.

"Pick up the axe, Alton."

"I promised Elias I would look after you. I won't kill you." he walked forward until he was within reach. I looked down at the knife then up at him, dropping it on the ground.

"I'm not going to kill you." there was a deafening bang and a flash of white light. I was thrown backwards into a piece of rubble. My vision went black and I passed out.

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