Chapter 3

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The next day we all had to parade through the Capitol for the citizens. It was our chance to secure sponsors who could send us gifts in the arena.

"Madame Lourvoue is your stylist." Tammie said as she led me to the make over room. Madame? I felt my heart lighten in my chest. We walked into a room and I was instructed to disrobe and lie on a table. It was hours of torture. Waxing, plucking, and rubbing me down with a foul smelling liquid. Finally I was deemed ready for Madame.

"Anna!" she walked into the room, a smile on her face.

"Madame!" I jumped of the table, the thin robe I was allowed to wear tied tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around her and we hugged each other tightly.

"I've missed you so much, but I'm so sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances." she looked down at me with a morose expression.

"I don't care as long as I know I'm in your capable hands." she smiled again.

"I see they've thoroughly plucked you over. Now, let's get down to business." she clapped her hands together and three strangely dressed people rushed in. "Anna, these are my assistants." she pointed to a short man with blood red hair and gold tattoos down the right side of his neck. "Darius." she pointed to the next girl; a very tall and thin woman with long curls the color of pea soup cascading down her back. "Penelope." then she pointed at the last girl who had very short purple hair and skin the color of a peach. People in the Capitol were the most bizarrely dressed, but I was almost used to it. After years of performing for them I'd seen everything from hair three feet high to whiskers implanted into cheeks.

The three assistants started applying my make up and styling my hair with instructions from Madame.

It took two hours, but the end result brought tears to my eyes.

"I want those Capitol people to remember you. I want them to remember the girl who danced for them at the ballet." I was wearing a ballet costume: a tutu and leotard with tights and pointe shoes. It was the costume I'd worn for our most famous ballet: La Petite Danseur.

It was made of deep red velvet with gold accents. My hair was pulled up in a bun with a red velvet ribbon tied around it. The make up was simple with red lips and black eyeliner.

"It's perfect." I smiled at her through the mirror.

"And all made from textiles from home." she laughed then ushered everyone downstairs to the horses. All the Tributes were standing by their horses, their costumes corresponding to their District. District 1 made luxury items for the Capitol so their costumes were jeweled and resembled something like a treasure chest. District 4 supplied fish and their costumes looked like waves of the ocean. Our District made textiles and most years our costumes were a strange clash of fabrics, but this year they were brilliant.

Alton wore a complimentary costume to mine; a deep red velvet shirt and black pants with gold accents.

"You two look amazing!" Madame gushed as we stood next to each other. I had to admit, we looked better than I'd ever seen District 8 look before.

"I was wondering why I was wearing this." he gestured to his velvet shirt. " But now I understand." I smiled, curtsying.

"Come on you two, get on your chariot." Madame ordered. "Don't forget to smile and play up the crowd." she winked. The chariot started moving and we lined up for the parade.

My heart was beating so fast as we made our way through the tunnel and out into the square. The audience was cheering, their multi colored faces yelling terms of endearment.

I waved, smiling and playing it up as much as I could for the crowd. I could barely hear the announcers over the crowd, but I caught a small snippet of what they were saying.

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