Chapter 4

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We all sat around the tv, Caesar Flickerman announcing the scores from the Gamemakers. Jimmias, the boy from District 1 with Elias' smile, received a 9; the girl, whose name was Florencia, an 8. The District 2 Tributes, who I was sure were related, both got 6s. Probably strategy so no one would find them threatening. He went down the list, the Careers ranging from 6-9. Finally he got to us, Alton's score appearing first. 9. I knew it. He was too good with a bow and arrow to not get a good score.

"Annalyse Sunders, the girl from District 8 and a favorite ballerina here in the Capitol." my picture flashed on the screen then my score: 11. I stared at the number, not sure I was reading correctly.

"Well I'll be damned! 11!" Woof exclaimed excitedly, patting me on the back. "Looks like we got quite the fighter here." he looked down at me with pride. Maybe I could be one less Tribute he'd have to watch die. Alton stayed silent, still focused on the tv which was revealing the scores for District 12. The boy pulled a 4 while the girl, Olive, managed a 7. I wondered what she showed the Gamemakers.

"So what did you show the Gamemakers?" Cecelia asked after the tv went off.

"What you told me. Plus, I may have worked in a spear or two." she smiled.

"Okay! Enough excitement! You two get to bed. Tomorrow's the day you interview with Caesar!" Tammie ushered us out of the room. I walked with Alton down the hall towards our rooms.

"Congratulations on your 9." I said before we reached my door.

"Congrats on your 11." he stopped with me. "You know, you're full of surprises." he smiled then turned and went to his room. He didn't even know the half of it.

Caesar wore a dark gray suit that shined in the stage lights. His hair was tinted a shade of purple I'd never seen before and his eyelids were painted to match. We sat on the stage as he talked to the audience, his words booming through the room. He seemed so at ease on the stage and I couldn't have been more nervous. I was used to performing in front of crowds, but never speaking. I was never sure what to say and I wanted to say the right thing so bad.

We were led off the sage and into a hallway where we waited to go on stage for our one on one interview. Madame had made me the most gorgeous dress and I hoped that would be enough for Caesar to talk about.

It was a floor-length gown the deep red color my parade costume had been with a white ribbon tied at the waist and cut outs in the back. My hair had been pulled into a messy bun, but it still resembled the one I'd worn before. It was simple, but had a hint of danger.

"Annalyse." my eyes widened and I stepped forward, watching the boy from District 7 leave the stage. I heard Caesar introduce me and I started moving towards him, my legs moving on their own. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we sat down, the crowd still cheering until he motioned for quiet.

"So Anna, can I call you Anna?" he started.

"Sure, if I can call you Caesar." he laughed and the audience joined.

"Of course! So Anna, were you surprised when you saw your score of 11?" he looked at me.

"Well, of course. I had hoped for an 8, but an 11? I couldn't help but feel a little proud." he laughed again, the audience cheering.

"And you should feel proud!" the audience cheered again. He was a professional at getting the crowd going. "Now, I've had the pleasure of seeing you perform in the ballet here in the Capitol. How do you think dance will help you in the arena?" the audience waited for my response.

"It already helped to impress the Gamemakers. I guess the audience will have to watch to see." I winked into the camera. Where was all this coming from? It was like Caesar could make anyone look good. Thank God for that.

He laughed again, standing up as the audience cheered. I followed his lead, shaking his hand as he said goodbye. I walked off the stage as Alton walked on, the audience cheering as he greeted Caesar. He wore a suit the same color as my dress with a white handkerchief in his pocket.

"I didn't know you were so charming." Woof smirked. I gave him a half smile then watched Alton's interview.

"Alton, you also pulled an impressive score: 9. What were you thinking when you heard your score?" Caesar asked.

"Well, I was surprised, really. I'm just a boy from District 8. I didn't expect to get that high." everyone cheered. Modesty. He was still trying to play the 'I'm weak so don't target me' card.

"And then you saw your District teammate's score. What was your reaction then?" the audience waited for an answer.

"I knew she would do well. She's much stronger than she puts off and I know she's a great competitor." what was he trying to do? Was he trying to make me a target? I'd already done that used and I didn't appreciate his efforts. Caesar wished him luck and said goodbye. The audience cheered and Alton walked towards us.

We walked in silence up to our floor, Tammie, Woof and Cecelia congratulating us on successful interviews then heading to their rooms. I paused, looking over at Alton who looked back at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped. There really wasn't anything to say. We only had a few hours left before we'd be in the arena, trying to kill each other.

I turned and walked away, retreating into my room. It was time to get into game mode.

I had already devised a plan for the next day. The Tributes are lifted into the arena by metal cylinders, a huge cornucopia standing a few yards away. The cornucopia is usually filled with supplies including weapons, food, and camp supplies. The most valuable supplies are placed in the mouth of the cornucopia while less valuable are scattered further out. I just needed to get my hands on some spears.

I couldn't sleep. It wasn't a surprise seeing as I was essentially being sent to my death. I couldn't stop thinking about Elias and Mathus and Tomas. I wanted to hold them one last time, to tell them I love them and kiss them. I couldn't help thinking what would happen to them when I died. Elias worked in the factory, but it wasn't enough to support all three. I didn't want Mathus to quit school as I did. I wanted him to learn as much as he could and be a kid as long as possible. And I wanted Tomas not to worry about where there next meal would come from. I just wanted to know they'd be okay.

I must have drifted off at some point because before I knew it I was being woken up by Madame and her assistants. They washed me, brushed my hair, then pulled it back into a ponytail.

"I made this for you. It'll help fight the elements, but is lightweight and easy to move in." Madame held up a black jumpsuit. It was made of a material if never seen before. "It's my own creation." I smiled, changing into it quickly. I pulled on the boots which were light, but sturdy. "You're ready." her eyes were shiny. I could feel tears stinging mine as well.

We walked down into a room with the cylinder that would take me up to the arena. It was only Madame and I and all I wanted to do was hug her.

"Don't forget this." she held out the locket Elias had given me. She motioned for me to spin around which I did. She fastened it around my neck then tucked it under my jumpsuit.

"Tributes to their places." a countdown began and I hugged Madame, wrapping my arms around her.

"You're amazing, Anna. I knew it from the minute I laid eyes on you." she squeezed me tightly around the shoulders. "I'll take care of your brothers." she whispered and all the weight of my worries disappeared. I let her go and took my place in the cylinder. She gave me one last reassuring look before the tube closed and began to ascend.

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