Chapter 5

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My heart was beating so loudly I could barely hear the countdown as I arrived in the arena. All of the Tributes stood on small gold platforms around the cornucopia which was filled with everything I'd imagined. About five feet from me was a small yellow backpack that looked like it couldn't hold more than a water bottle, but inside the cornucopia was what I really wanted. Spears. They stood on top of a larger black backpack and far enough in that I would be risking a fight to go after them. But I had to.

"Ten seconds." I looked around anxiously, the other Tributes eyeing each other as well. The Careers looked confident and the little mute boy looked terrified. Alton stood about five Tributes away to my right, his eyes scanning the arena.

I looked around, planning my escape route. We were in the middle of an open field, but just behind us were ruins of some ancient society. Probably just of the Gamemaker's design. Beyond the ruins was a dense forest that could provide some cover from the others if I could reach it first.

"Five seconds." if a Tribute stepped off their platform before the gong, they'd be blown away by a series of bombs placed around the platforms.

Suddenly the gong sounded and I leapt forward, putting every ounce of energy I had into a sprint to the spears. I could hear running behind me, but I didn't dare look back. Any hesitation would be the difference between life and death.

I jumped over a crate full of apples and swerved to avoid a full tent kit. I could hear the fighting already starting as Careers reached the smaller weapons that laid further out. Someone screamed and I reached the spears, throwing them and the backpack they laid on over my shoulder then turning towards the woods. I caught a glimpse of something shiny and ducked, nearly getting decapitated by the girl from District 2. She flung her axe once more, nearly missing my legs as I sped off. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the girl from District 11 get impaled by a sword and I picked up speed.

I had just reached the ruins when I was tackled to the ground. My bags stayed on my back, but my attacker had me pinned. I grabbed their arm before they could use their knife to slit my throat. It was the boy from District 4, his long hair hanging in his face. I held his knife at bay, but we were wasting time. I needed to get out of there before the rest of the Careers came over. I kicked up my legs, forcing his arm up and the knife into his chest. Blood spurted from his mouth and his grip on me released. I pushed him off, getting up and checking to see if anyone else was coming.

The boy from District 12 laid a few feet away, but the Careers were too busy to notice me. I ran to the woods, breaking through the tree line and speeding over the soft ground. Canon fire boomed over the arena signaling that at least seven were dead, but I was sure there were more.

The woods were thick and full of trees and bushes that scratched at my arms and legs. They couldn't cut through my suit, though. Thank you Madame.

I ran and ran and ran until my legs felt like they would give out any moment. I must've been at least two miles into the woods before I stopped. I collapsed beside a tree, pulling the backpack and spears into my lap.

The muscles in my legs were shaking and my heart was pounding in my chest. I opened the backpack, my arms barely able to move. Inside was a sleeping bag, two water bottles, matches, a bag of dried beef and fruit, a flash light, a bottle of iodine, a first aid kit, coil of wire, and night vision glasses.

It was definitely worth the exhaustion. The pack of spears contained five spears and three extra spear heads, including a knife to carve one out of wood. I zipped up the backpack, scanning the area for signs of water. The dense trees kept every bit of heat from the sun in and I could feel sweat rolling down my neck. I needed to find water.

I used the tree to help me stand up, my legs still shaking. I made my way through the trees, going slowly this time and looking for any sign of water. The ground was covered with leaves and tree roots.

I could hear it: a stream not far off. I followed the sound, walking through bushes and stepping over rocks. The sound got louder and I could tell it was just beyond the tall bushes before me. I pushed through the bushes, not being able to see the drop off on the other side. I rolled down the hill, my knee hitting a jagged rock before I stopped in the small stream below.

I didn't want to look. A shooting pain traveled throughout my leg and up my side. I rolled onto my back, my leg screaming at me with every move. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming as I examined it. My kneecap was completely out of place to the left. I bit down on my knuckles, trying to distract myself from the pain as I pushed it back into place.

It popped and another wave of pain flooded my body. I pounded my fist into the ground, fighting back the tears. The pain subsided, but was still there. I took out my water bottles and filled them, gulping one down then filling it again.

"I hear water over here." my head snapped to where the voice was coming from. It was just up the stream and I was out in the open. I packed up my bag and forced myself onto my feet, my knee unable to hold weight.

I limped out of the stream, trying to put as much space between me and the voices as possible.

"Looks like we didn't make a mistake letting you live after all District 8." I stopped. So Alton was still alive and I could've sworn that was the boy from District 1's voice. So he teamed up with the Careers. I scoffed, retreating into the woods.

I walked, my knee feeling better as I practiced putting more weight on it.

"I think I heard something over here." Damn it Alton! They were right on my trail and I needed to lose them fast. Maybe if I could get far enough ahead then double back and go around I could get away.

I started jogging, ignoring the pain in my knee and keeping as quiet as possible. I put distance between us then doubled back, making sure to listen for them as I went around.

I jogged until I was sure I'd put enough space between us. The sun was going down and I needed to find somewhere to sleep. I could climb a tree, but I wasn't sure my knee could handle it. I had to stick with something ground level. I searched until I found the perfect place. It was a hollow tree that looked as if lightning had hit it. It was big enough so I could squeeze in the back and not be seen by anyone walking by.

I laid in the back of the tree, positioning my backpack to use as a pillow, keeping the spears close just in case.

There was a small hole in the trunk so I could see the sky outside. I pulled out the beef strips and chewed on one, my stomach growling. The sky soon turned dark and the anthem played. The faces of the Tributes who died flashed in the sky.

First was the boy from District 4. I had killed him myself and I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he appeared in the sky. Then both Tributes from District 5, the boy from District 6, both from 7, girl from 9, girl from 11, and the boy from 12. That was 9 all together. The anthem played again and the images disappeared.

The Careers, Alton, the little boy and girl from District 10, and even the malnourished girl survived the bloodbath. I finished the beef stick and rolled onto my side, exhaustion taking over me. I fell asleep without hesitation.

"We'll find her don't worry." my eyes shot open at the sound of voices.

"Let's make camp here. We'll keep looking in the morning." they were close. I slowed my breathing, trying to see how close they were.

"Set up the fire, District 8." Jimmias ordered. They were closer to the stream, but too close to leave my hiding place. I waited until they settled down then decided to try and sleep. There was nothing I could do until they moved on and that wouldn't be until morning.

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