Naruto landed next to the Sasuke he had kicked in the first place and glared at him before the Uchiha disappeared with a grin and a puff of smoke.

"Substitution Jutsu" Naruto muttered with a frown.

"You're not the only one that can use it, Dobe" The real Sasuke smirked and threw layers of string around the blonde as he sat his back against the tree.

Naruto struggled to get loose, knowing what the Uchiha was about to do. 

"Too late" Sasuke muttered and performed Raiton no jutsu (lighting technique).

Bolts of lightning flashed through the strings. Naruto's eyes widened with panic and quickly held up his palm.

Sasuke stopped the technique once he knew it reached the blonde and waited for the little layer of smoke to disappear so he could see his target. 

Though the Uchiha stepped back in surprise as Naruto stood from the, now loose, strings and held out his glowing blue palm with a grin. 

"Suitoru Fuuin (Absorbing seal)" Sasuke muttered, cursing himself not thinking about him using that. 

"Yeah, and now..." Naruto outstretched out palm toward the Uchiha " Kaihou Fuuin!" He yelled, releasing the lighting within and pushing it toward Sasuke.

The raven-haired genin grunted and jumped upward to avoid the hit, only he didn't expect Naruto to meet him midway in the air with a clone covering the Uchiha's every exit. 

Naruto threw a punch at the boy but Sasuke, with his Sharingan eyes, blocked him and every clone that threw their punches, though even with his advanced eyes, didn't notice the chakra-suppressed clone above him until the clone kicked him down with a strong force.

Sasuke yelled in pain as he made harsh contact with the ground, Naruto landing on his feet with an agile grace in front of him. 

The blonde stepped forward with a kunai, about to put an end to this match, when Sasuke rolled onto his back and glared up at the blonde "Katon: Gokakyu no jutsu!" He yelled and aimed his jutsu perfectly at Naruto. 

The blonde was quick to jump to the side, though he took some of the damage from his attack, he was still alive and only had minor burns on his left arm and leg. 

Naruto grunted at the burning pain and fell to his knees next to the Uchiha, who was still laying on his back. Both boys' had used up their chakra and were too tired to continue on. Though their attacks were mostly weak and little, they were satisfied with their efforts as the two had used up their strength and stamina early on at the start of the fight.  

 "Not...Bad" Sasuke huffed, looking up at the morning sky along with Naruto, who grinned in response.

"Oi! Oishi baka! (Damn idiots)" The loud echo of anger roared from afar.

The boys rolled their heads to the right and grimaced simultaneously.

"What'd I tell you about training so hard without me!" Sakura yelled, her nostrils flaring with frustration as the boys slowly got up "What would've happened if one of you got seriously hurt and I wasn't h-"

"Ra, please. Calm down." Sasuke interrupted Sakura's concerned - yet angry - lecture.

Naruto's eyes widened, his mouth closed into a small O shape as he stood and took a meager step back to get out of the pinkette's line of attack.

Sasuke, in the face of danger, remained calm as he slowly pushed himself and stood. He pocketed his bruised and bloody hands while staring back at Sakura with a disinterested look.

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