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~"The best way to predict your future is to create it"~

It was a nice summer day, not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was quite hot, in the 100's for sure. 

But Celeste and Lillie, of course, were inside having a multitude of conversations rather than having fun in the outdoor heat. 

Celeste had already kicked Lillie and her little brothers butt in Halo (despite this being her first time playing) and had already done a weird science experiment out of boredom, and now the two girls were sprawled out across Lillie's bed, discussing the most random of topics. 

"What's your favourite movie?" Lillie asks, turning her head towards Celeste. 

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off for sure, what's your favourite song?" Celeste picks up a random sharpie that's laying next to her on the bed and begins to twirl the marker between her fingers. 

"There's this song called Amnesia by Blue October. It's really good you should give it a listen. Can I give you a nickname?"

"Depends on the nickname... What do you have planned...?" Celeste looked over, giving Lillie a confused look. 

"Cece. It's short, sweet and cute. It fits you well I think." 

"Cece..." Celeste likes the sound of that. She's never had Cece as a nickname, and it sounds different from her usual nicknames, "I like Cece, it sounds nice. Now back to 20 questions, What's your favourite video game?" 

"Undertale without a doubt." Lillie smiles towards the ceiling, closing her eyes momentarily. 

"I've never played the game, but a lot of my favourite youtuber's have played the game." Celeste has been wanting the game for a while now, but hasn't quite saved up enough money for it. 

"Youtuber's? Who's your favourite?" 

"Well, Dan and Phil are my forever favourites. I love Dan's relatable video's and Phil's just a ray of innocent sunshine. Not to mention I hella ship them together, but I also watch some pewdiepie and Jacksepticeye and Jacksfilms." 

"I love all of those youtuber's! They've all majorly inspired me to do youtube." Celeste sits up after her friend announces that. 

"You want to do youtube too?" 

"It's been a dream of mine for years. I'm assuming you want to do youtube then too?" 

"I've been wanting to since I discovered Dan and Phil yes. That's not all I want to do but it's definitely part of the plan." 

"What else do you want to do then?" 

"Well, I want to be a radiologist, a photographer, a writer... A lot." Celeste laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. She's always wanted to do a lot with her skills and abilities, but Lillie didn't tell her it was too much to do. She comforts her, 

"That's great, I'm sure you'll do great Celeste." 

"Thank you Lillie." 

* * * *

It took another month and a half before the girls really began to plan out what they wanted to do with their future's. Their freshman year had already begun and they were starting to realise just what they wanted to do. The girls both were very excited to start planning their future, they were looking up exactly where in the city they could get an apartment and discussing how they'd set up said apartment. 

Lillie: So... What are we going to do about college?

Celeste: Like...what college we're going to or whether we are going to bunk or not? 

Lillie: Well I already know what college we're going to for the first few years, but what yes, bunking. What are we going to do? 

Celeste: I figured we'd get an apartment together since we both are going to the same college and we both want to do youtube. Two youtuber's together is better than one. 

Lillie: I like the sound of that. we should both have good paying jobs by the time college comes around, so we'll be able to split the rent in half. 

Celeste: Exactly, so apartment it is then, even though we still have four years to go. 

Lillie: Apartment for sure :)

Celeste: Sounds fun, can't wait :)

The start to an amazing future, even though the girls got a bit ahead of themselves. 

One filled with school and homework and studying for sure but one to also be filled with fun and laughter and puppies and memories. 

Celeste: Lillie, Oh my god I have a plan, we're going to get a Siberian Husky and name him Thaddeus. 

Lillie: Aren't you allergic to dogs? And why Thaddeus that sounds weird for a Husky 

Celeste: Happiness over health. And Thaddeus sounds cool 

Lillie: Siberian Husky named Thaddeus it is then, and a dying Cece to go along with him

Celeste: Can't wait man :)

Celeste didn't want to go into an apartment without her best friend Brielle though. She would never leave her friend out of an experience like this. 

Celeste: So what about Brielle? Can she stay with us? 

Lillie: Why Brielle?

Celeste was confused, what did she mean, we were all friends of course Brielle would want to be included.

Celeste: Because she's our friend as well, my best friend and she's also a clean freak so our apartment would be clean and organised. 

Lillie: I don't know man, maybe this can be just our experience, you know, just us two?

Celeste: I guess... 

Celeste was saddened to hear that Lillie didn't want Brielle to experience this with them, but she just brushed it off. Lillie and Celeste didn't have that many personal memories together, she was just wanting to create her own. 

And so their future plan was set. 

What University

What they're going to do for a living

Where they're going to live

Even down to a puppy and it's name 


Just 4 more years of drama and hell to go. 

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