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~"Every new friend is a new adventure... the start of more memories"~

Celeste and Brielle were first introduced to each other in seventh grade. Brielle had gone to a different school sixth grade, but when her school finally got rid of seventh graders, she moved to Celeste's school. They had a few classes together, but first started talking to each other because of her sitting with an old grade school friend at Celeste's table. She was mad at Brielle at first, and tried to get her to leave, but after failing, she did what anyone else would do in a situation like this.

She threw her pretzels she decided to pack that day at the poor blonde haired girl in front of her. She looked offended, but rather than telling and getting Celeste in trouble, she picked the pretzel up and threw it back at her.

The pretzel fight commenced. But little did the two girls know that throwing the salty baked goods that Celeste brought that day would lead to years of friendship and closeness.

Their next experience together was their seventh grade math class. They only had a semester together, but the semester they had together was fun. There was a boy in their class, who was annoying. Celeste was always sick and she happened to be sick the day she was reading a book called "Mockingjay." He asked her what book she was reading, and she replied with 'Mockingjay' but being the annoying kid he was, he thought she said 'monkey jay' and never let her down for it. Everyday until the semester ended, he kept asking Celeste who she'd rather be best friends with, Brielle or him. And everyday she replied with the same thing. Brielle. She would rather be best friends with Brielle.

They also had a history class together, and the amount of times the girls got in trouble in that class should have been worrying, but was hilarious instead. They never learned that passing notes during a movie or while reading from the book was wrong, and no matter how many times they were yelled at or separated, they found a way to pass each other a few notes within the 45 minute class period.

* * * *

Lillie and Celeste and Brielle's friendship had a simpler start. Although Brielle and Lillie didn't have as much in common, Celeste and Lillie did.

TV shows



Loud and obnoxious

They were first introduced eighth grade year by Lillies's sister Rosa. Celeste had already known Rosa and her group for a little over a year, so introduction was easy.

"Where ya taking me Rosa?" Celeste looks up at the familiar name of one of her friends and smiles at Rosa and the stranger walking by her side.

"To meet some of my friends, speaking of which..." Rosa and the mystery girl sit across from Celeste and next to Brielle, "Lillie, this is Celeste and this is Brielle." Rosa points across the table towards Celeste and then to Brielle where she sits within the cubby where the seat folds up into later on once everyone is done eating.

"Hi Lillie. Nice to meet you." Celeste greets her with a bright smile and a wave before going back to her ham and cheese sandwich and writing that was sitting on the table in front of her.

"Hello Lillie." Brielle smiles before picking up her half eaten granola bar and taking a bite.

"Celeste, you and Lillie have a lot in common."

"What do we have in common?" Celeste asks, taking another bite and putting her pencil down onto the table so she didn't appear rude while her friends spoke to her.

"Well both you and Lillie draw, and write, and she's begun watching Supernatural..." Celeste's ears perk up at the naming of Supernatural, which just happens to be her current favourite show that she's almost completely caught up on.

"What season are you on?"

"I'm only on season 2, but I currently love it so I'll definitely be continuing." Celeste smiled wide and clapped her hands annoyingly together. Brielle, from across the table, rolled her eyes whilst grinning. She was never a big fan of the show, she just couldn't get into it and sometimes it got annoying when Celeste would ramble on and on about how much she loved Sam and Dean and Cas and shipped Destiel hard.

"Great, you got her started Rosa, now she'll never shut up." Brielle laughed, beginning to pack up her stuff as they were getting ready to get kicked outside.

"I'll shut up eventually" Celeste comments, beginning to laugh and take another bite of her almost finished sandwich, packing up her finished stuff as well.

"I highly doubt that."

and their friendship blossomed from there. Slowly, Lillie and Rosa began to sit with Lila, Celeste and Brielle at their table, Even when Celeste was kicked out of the table because she was the only one there who wasn't mormon they went back and forth between the two tables so they could visit and Celeste wouldn't feel entirely left out (although she kinda was). Lillie and Celeste began to help each other with writing and drawing. Lillie gave Celeste a lot of drawing tips for making people look more realistic and Celeste gave Lillie a good lesson on adding detail to her writing, one thing Celeste was really good at. Their group was slowly beginning to form, one person at a time.






The group everyday was filled with laughter and fun and memories were constantly being made.

They could tell they were going to be friends for a while, that nothing could bring them apart.


High School


Absolutely nothing 

So as eighth grade year flew by and came to a close, they began to prepare for their next adventure to conquer together... High School and the drama that came along with it.

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