Chapter 3

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The room was quiet, no one dared to say anything. All seven men were preoccupied with their own thoughts to speak. Everyone was worried about you while Hoseok and Jimin both had a lot more weighing on their minds.

Jimin felt incredibly guilty. It was because of him that they were currently in this whole mess. He was only thinking of the plan and Hoseok that he didn't even stop to think that anyone could be watching besides the one person he wanted.

Hoseok, on the other hand, was feeling so many emotions at once. He was worried, jealous and kind of hurt for a reason unknown to him. He knew that all of it was fake but the thought of you being so intimate with Jimin hurt him. He also still believed that Jimin had feelings for you which made him even more worried that Jimin might take you away from him. He knew feeling this way about his fellow bandmate and friend was bad but he couldn't help it.

Having enough of the silence, Hoseok got up and walked out of the room. You didn't hesitate to follow him.

"Hobi, what's wrong?" You asked holding his arm to stop him from going any further.

"Nothing's wrong," Hoseok said forcing a smile at you. You frowned and glared at him.

"Hoseok, don't start with this shit again. I swear to g-"

"I'm sorry, (Name)!" He said trying to calm you down. "It's this whole fake girlfriend thing..."

"Why are you so upset about that?" You asked. "I'm a big girl, I can protect myself against a few fangirls."

"Yes, I'm worried about that but that's not what I'm upset about..."

"Are you worried that I might leave you for Jimin?" You asked with a slight smirk.

"..." Hoseok stayed quiet making you lose your smirk.

"Do you not trust me?" You asked.

"Of course, I trust you!" He defended. "It's Jimin that I don't..."

"Jimin thinks of me like a sister." You said. "I doubt he'd tried to steal me away from you."

"Don't be too sure about that," Hoseok mumbled but you heard him.

"What was that?"

" careful around him okay?" He asked.

"Hobi...It's called a FAKE girlfriend for a reason. It's not real." You said looking Hoseok in the eye.

Hoseok started to admire how beautiful you looked. He knew his worries about this whole fake dating thing was stupid but he Just got you...he didn't want to lose you.

"I'm dating you, not Jimin." You continued breaking Hoseok out of his thoughts. "I would never leave you for him."

Taking his silence as the end of the conversation, you stepped away from him.

"Now let's go back, the others are probably worried." You said turning to leave.

Hoseok grabbed your waist and turned you to face him again. Knowing exactly what he was doing when he started to lean in, you put your hand up blocking him.

"What?" He asked surprised by your action.

"Not here you idiot!" You half whispered/yelled. "We're standing in the middle of a hallway!"

"Oh, right, I forget about that." He said smiling sheepishly. He stayed silent for a bit before frowning. "I want to kiss you though."


Hoseok started making annoying high-pitched noises while still frowning. He was doing aegyo trying to get you to kiss him. You sighed and kissed him. You attended it to be just a quick peck but he wouldn't let you pull away and prolonged the kiss.

The kiss continued until the sound of someone clearing their throat caused you two to jump apart from each other. You looked behind you to see Namjoon standing there.

"It's not what it looks like," Hoseok said trying to come up with an excuse.

"So, you weren't just kissing (Name)?" Namjoon asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Joonie, I can explain." You said at a loss for words.

"You two are dating, correct?" He asked looking between you and Hoseok.

"Well I, um...yes..." You said glancing at Namjoon to see his reaction.

Namjoon stayed silent for about a minute making you nervous before a smile spread on his lips.

"About fucking time," He said surprising both you and Hoseok.

Both of you thought he'd be against the relationship both for the future of BTS and protecting you. You weren't expecting him to be happy about it at all.

"You're not mad?" You asked.

Namjoon shook his head, "Why would I be?"

"Because look what happened when Jimin simply kissed my cheek..." You said looking down at your hands.

You knew dating Hoseok was risking his career but you didn't want to break up with him either.

"That because Jimin is an idiot," Namjoon said shaking his head.

"Hey!" You heard someone protest making you realize that You, Hoseok and Namjoon were not the only ones in the hallway. The rest of Bangtan was there as well. They witness the kiss and now knew that you were dating Hoseok now.

"Jiminie pabo," Taehyung added smiling at Jimin who was glaring back at him.

"You're not an idiot," Namjoon said letting him know he was joking. "but what you did was stupid."

"Why did you do that?" You asked trying to finally get an explanation. Everyone aside from Jungkook who knew the reason looked at Jimin.

Jimin sighed and looked at you, "I was trying to make Hobi-hyung jealous."


"Everyone noticed you two had feelings for each other," Jimin said. "except for you two."

"Wait...Everyone knew?!" You asked surprised.

"How long have we been friends?" Namjoon asked. "I know when you like someone, Y/N."

You could feel your face start to flush so you looked down to hide your red face.

"And Hyung, it was pretty obvious you were into her," Jungkook added.

"Was it?" Hoseok asked letting out an embarrassed laugh.

Jungkook nodded.

"I appreciate the thought Jimin," Hoseok said turning to Jimin. "But I agree with Namjoon. That idea was stupid."

"It was even my idea!" Jimin defended. "I didn't even want to do it..."

"Then who's was it?"

Jimin looked over to Jungkook causing all eyes to look at him.

"I didn't say kiss her in public!" Jungkook said trying to take the blame off him.

"You still told me to kiss her in the first place."

They then started going back and forth pushing the blame on the other like 5-year-old children. Everyone decided to just let them be for a while. Yoongi and Taehyung congratulated you and Hoseok before going back into the conference room.

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