Chapter 1

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"Hey! Are you really dating a member of BTS?"

"How long have you two been dating?"

You ignored the hundreds of questions flying at you as you ran down the sidewalk trying your best to hide your face from the flashing cameras. You sighed in relieve upon finally seeing your destination. You ran inside and immediately closed and locked the door before they could follow you.

Tired from running you slumped down in a chair nearby. You heard footsteps coming near you so you looked up and saw your co-worker, Hye Rin, looking at you with concern.

"Morning, Rin." You said forcing a smile despite how tired you were. It was a skill you picked from being a waitress.

"Again?" She asked looking out the window the swarming mass of teenage girls trying so hard to get a picture of you with their smartphones.

This has been a constant thing ever since that day...


"Check your email ..." He only said not explaining anything. You sighed and opened up your laptop going straight to your email. The only thing in the email was a link so you clicked it going to the site. You scrolled down and nearly dropped your phone in shock of what you saw.

"Fuck..." You cursed loudly nearly deafening the boy on the other end.

Someone had seen Jimin kiss you on the cheek earlier and had taken a photo of it.

"How did they even get this?" You asked not knowing how to feel. Your emotions were all over the place. On one hand, you were afraid that this could end up being a scandal that would blemish the boys' career, on the other you were relieved and hopeful that this whole thing could be buried and you wouldn't have to hide your relationship with the boys.

"I don't know..." Namjoon said sounding upset with himself. He tried his best to keep you out of the spotlight, but with their recent success and gain in fans, it became impossible. Many times he thought to cut all ties with you and make you move back home but he couldn't do that to you nor could the other members. "I'm sorry (name)..."

Knowing exactly what he was apologizing for you scolded him, "This is not your fault, Namjoon!"


"Butts are for sitting and shitting!" You said pointing your finger as if the boy was standing right in front of you. You heard a chuckle on the other end making you smile as well.

"Why are you like this?" He asked.

"I'm friends with you seven idiots that's how. Now back to the important shit," You said switching your phone to your other hand. "Can't Bang PD-nim do anything about this?"

"That's why I called," He said as if he just remembered. "He wants to see you."

"Right now?" You asked looking out the window. It wasn't late but it was already so dark out.

"Yeah, sorry I know you're probably tired from today."

"It's fine I'll be there." You agreed.

"I would come get you myself, but with everything that's going on I don't-"Namjoon started but you cut him off knowing what he was going to say.

"Don't think it's a good Idea," You finished his sentence. "I understand I'll be there in about 10 minutes!"

"Alright, Be safe!" He said before hanging up.

You placed your phone in your pocket before looking in the mirror to make sure you were okay to go outside.

"Aish! Hobi saw me like this?" You asked yourself looking at your reflection. Even though you fixed your hair before it was a mess again and your makeup was now non-existent

Before you couldn't care less what you looked like in front of the boys as long as you weren't in public. You even came out in your sleepwear with them around a few times which consist of just your underwear and an over-sized t-shirt. Now that you were finally dating one of them your feminine side took over and made you self-conscious of your appearance.

You brushed your hair down and reapplied your lip-gloss and left for the big hit building.


The ride on the way to meet the boys was a nightmare. The traffic you expected and got used to from living in Seoul, so that wasn't the problem. It was the taxi driver. He kept trying to start a conversation with you which you were pretty sure was his way of flirting and he was also driving like a damn turtle.

As soon as the building was in view, you jumped out of the taxi and threw the driver his money while hurriedly thanking him in the process. You sighed in relief when you were finally away from the man and inside the building.

You weren't able to take two steps inside before being ambushed by a hug. Once the hugger pulled away you realized it was Jimin.

"I'm so sorry, noona!" He said before I could speak. "I should have been more careful!"

"Why did you kiss me?" You asked him wanting to know the reason for his action.

"We'll talk about that later," He said quickly waving off my question. "Everyone is waiting in the meeting room."

You nodded and let him guide you since you didn't know where it was. You've been friends with the boys since their trainee days and Namjoon even longer but you've only been here a handful of times. You only ever been to their practice rooms and the lobby.

"(Name!)" You heard the familiar voice scream as soon as you entered. Hoseok jumped up from his seat and hugged you. He wanted to kiss you badly but held back knowing that not only were the other members there but also were several of their managers as well as Bang PD-nim.

"You act like you haven't seen her in weeks," Jungkook said with a slight laugh.

"You just saw her half an hour ago, calm down," Yoongi said with his usual bored expression.

Hoseok laughed nervously before dragging you to the empty seat next to him and Taehyung.

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