The Demon's plan

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Lucy summoned Plue and he jumped up into her arms. "I'm okay really. I'm so glad you're here." She said as she held him close. She talked with Plue for hours until he got tired. Lucy sent him back and was now alone in the room. She sighed. 'I miss everyone.. Why is Natsu acting like this? Does he really not recognise me?' She thought. But she was interrupted when a pair of muscled arms slid round her waist. "Huh?" She turned around and saw Natsu standing behind her grinning. "W,What are you doing?" She asked. He just smirked even more. "Well you are mine so I get to do whatever I chose with you~" he said purring into her ear. A chill shot up her spine as he said that. She was then pushed onto the bed. "H,hey wait a minute!" She yelled trying to push him off her put he took her hands and pinned them above her head with one hand and with the other he cupped her cheek. "Like I said. You're mine Luce.." she gasped when he said that. "Did... you just call me Luce?" He nodded. "All I know is that idiot Natsu called you that." "Natsu is NOT an idiot!" Lucy screamed. Natsu glared down at her. "Shut up!" He yelled at her then crashing his lips onto hers. He held a tight grip on her chin so she couldn't turn away. But she still managed to keep her mouth closed even when he started to lick her lips. It's true she loves Natsu but this isn't him. He began to get annoyed so he bit down on her lip causing her to gasp out. He took this chance to slip his tongue in. He explored everywhere in her mouth. She couldn't help but moan under him. He brought his knee up and started to rub it against her shorts. She moaned out into his mouth. He loved the feeling of it but he couldn't get too attached to her. He continued to run his knee on her though. He broke from the kiss gasping a little and so was she but also moaning. His hand moved from her chin to her shorts. He slid them under the fabric so he could now feel her panties. He rubbed his hand across her and she moaned out louder. But he stopped and pulled his hand away. He let go of her wrists and instantly she pushed him off her. He stared at her then walked out of the doors. It's true though. He couldn't fall for her. He was a demon and she was a low life human. And another reason. He needed to turn her into a demon so they could destroy Fairy Tail. And the only way to do so is to make her fall in love with him.

Sorry for the late update and how short it is

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