Chapter Twenty-seven

11 5 3

December 23 2016 - Friday



(Song: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day)

The nights were chilly, and I was lonely. Being alone during the winter was the worst. I had all this free time and no one to spend it with. All I kept picturing was sitting next to a fire and being next to someone special. Whoever that was. Leah's face kept crossing my mind no matter how hard I tried to forget about her. Every time I imagined her, I ended up thinking about her and that guy making out in the parking lot. It was as if I was stuck in this hole of torture bound to be alone and stuck watching everyone else have what I could only dream of.

I liked to take walks at night. During winter breaks, I commonly found myself sleeping during the day and walking around at night. I felt special at night, like the moon was specifically meant for me. I often stared up at it as I walked through the town.

When I came up to a park, I heard people talking. I looked around and saw a group of people standing by the swings. There were five of them. From a distance it looked like they were all girls. I was about to just turn around, but then I heard someone say "Melanie". I examined the individuals in the group and noticed her standing against the swing set. She was still incredibly beautiful, and it was torture on my eyes. My feet started walking towards her before I could think against it.

"Hey, Melanie," I said stopping by the group. The girls turned toward me, but the only one my eyes were set on was Melanie. She seemed surprised at first, but that quickly subsided.

"Hi, Trent."

"Melanie, can I talk to you for a sec?"

". . .Sure." I walked away from the swing set and over to the rickety slide that was about to break down at any minute. I stopped and almost couldn't turn around to face Melanie. I hadn't talk to her in more than eight months. I wasn't prepared for this. "Trent, what is it? What do you want?" I turned around, and having her stand so close to me nearly knocked the wind out of me. I looked down at the ground and tried to find my voice.

"I just don't understand. Why did you break up with me?" I asked.

"Trent, I really don't want to talk about this."

"Why not?"

"Because you never listen, and you don't care anyways."

"I do. I do care."

"All you care about is yourself. That's why we broke up. Because the only thing that mattered was you and what you wanted."

"But I loved you."

"You loved that I was there for you. But you were never there for me. You can't love someone and be selfish at the same time."

"But, I. . ."

"Listen, I have no hard feelings towards you. But I also hope you realize that people aren't just tools meant to satisfy you. That's not what a relationship is supposed to be like." What was I supposed to say? I couldn't find the right words. I couldn't even align my thoughts. "I have to get back, but are you okay?"

". . .I'm fine."

"Are you sure? It's really dangerous to be walking around at night by yourself. Do you want to join-"

"No, no. I'm fine. I'm heading home, anyways."

"Okay, then. . .Bye, Trent." She turned around, and I quickly walked away regretting walking up to her in the first place. I shouldn't have talked to her. I left the park, but I didn't head home. I walked around aimlessly lost in thought.

Melanie thought I was selfish. But how could I be selfish? I had done things for her. I cared about her. I bought her things just like I bought Leah things. I wasn't selfish. I was the opposite of selfish. I didn't have to do anything for anybody, but I did anyway. If anyone was selfish it was the people that didn't appreciate what I did for them and what I gave them. Melanie was selfish for breaking up with me without giving me a legitimate reason. Leah was selfish for not even caring a little bit about how I felt for her.

(Song: Loser by BIGBANG)

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