Chapter Two

132 30 35

August 15 2016 - Monday



(Song: Hunt by DAY6)

Melanie was all I could think about. She was all I could see. All I could hope to see. Every hall I walked down. Every corner I turned. Every classroom I walked into. I hoped she would be there, but she never was. It was like she was holding my breath, and I was waiting to breathe. There was only one period left in the day, and she wasn't in any of my classes so far.

During lunch I had sat by myself, looking out to see if I could find Melanie. I even tried calling her, even though I knew she wouldn't answer. I avoided talking to Harry, or any of the others. I couldn't talk to anyone. I couldn't hear them tell me how I needed to get over her, and how I was pathetic for being sad. I loved her. But nobody cared about that. No one cared how I felt. It was absolute torture thinking about Melanie and not being able to talk to her. To hold her. Not even being able to see her. If any of my so-called friends cared how I felt, they would've been supportive. They wouldn't have joked, insulted, and looked down on me.

I felt so defeated. I had no chance. Even if I did find her, I didn't know what I would tell her. Was I suppose to tell her how much I loved her? How much I needed her? Ask why she- Why we weren't together anymore? She was so beautiful. Just thinking about her sent my thoughts into disarray. I knew talking to her would be a major challenge.

I sat in one of the school lobbies in the center building. I was getting sick of the crowd and the noise in the halls of the eastern building. The center building seemed to be fairly empty. It was the only building being shared by both sides, so I figured everyone was avoiding each other as much as possible.

I took in the silence and tried to think of ways I could get Melanie to have a conversation with me once I found her. I needed an approach where there was no way she'd turn me down. She needed to know that I-

"Oh my Gosh."

The most beautiful being, I had ever seen, walked into my view. She floated in perfect strides. For a second, I thought I was dreaming. She was like a dream entering my reality. How could such a goddess exist on earth? How could such perfection be mixed in with the broken state of a high school in Atlantis?

She was walking away. She was leaving my field of vision. I couldn't just let her walk off. How could I let such artistic grace waltz off to never be seen again?

I stood up and followed her.

She. . .Everything about her was just so enchanting. She was a siren calling me to her. Her legs moved with such elegance. I didn't want to stop looking at her. I wished for her to turn around, so she'd lure me in with her beautiful face.

"What the h*** are you doing here?" A tall blond guy stepped in front of me and blocked my view. Absolute rage emitted from his eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but then I saw the emblem on his suit jacket. I looked around and saw a flock of uniforms glaring at me. "Answer me!"

"I got lost."

"I know you people are uneducated, but you can't possibly be that much of a moron."

"Uneducated? I don't see how you know me. We've never met."

"I hate how you guys think you can just come here and make a mess of everything."

"I hate how people think they know how others think without even knowing them." The guy furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes at me.

"What?. . .You're a real piece of work. Why don't you go on?" He pushed me, making me take a couple steps back. "No one wants you here, so run along. . .get back to the other rats."

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