Chapter One

278 48 68

August 15 2016 - Monday



(Song: Mad World (Cover by Jasmine Thompson))

The sunlight hit my brother's car turning it into a oven. As I sat in the passenger seat of Leonard's car, I looked up at the sun and cursed it for its merciless actions. Why did the sun want to kill me? I stopped being able to think clearly once I started melting in my seat. I started to wonder what it felt like to die of heat. If it felt anything like having your entire being seep out of your skin, then I didn't have much longer to live.

"Leah. . .Leah!"

"Yes. What is it?" I didn't realize how out of it I was until I looked out the window and saw the school just ahead of us. It didn't look the same as last year. The school was swarmed, almost enveloped by people. Most of them weren't even wearing a school uniform.

"You remember what mom said, right?" Leonard asked. I tried to think back. Mom had said a lot of things recently: 'Stay away from anyone not wearing a uniform.' 'The school was foolish for allowing indigent people attend.' She kept going on and on about writing emails and talking to some of the other parents. She told us that Leonard and I were going to change schools, but Leonard said he didn't want to. My mom thought he didn't want to because he was in his senior year, but I knew the real reason.

I looked to Leonard and nodded my head. Whatever he was referring to I was sure I remembered it.

"Beyond what she said- don't look at anyone. You hear me. If they aren't wearing a uniform, don't look at them and they won't bother you."

"Right," I answered mindlessly. I honestly didn't put much thought to what he said. I had already planned to just focus on my schoolwork, like I always did. The new students were just that- students, and I didn't have to pay attention to them.

"This whole thing is complete s***." My brother's friend, Timothy, sat in the back and spoke with such a distilled anger, like it was a part of him. Like he had been born angry and yelling at the doctor that delivered him. I always hated the way he spoke. "I just know the first time one of those east side a**h**** even looks at me funny-"

"Chill Timothy, don't flip out in my car."

"I won't mess up your precious car, stop acting like a b****." I looked up at Timothy in the rear view mirror, only to catch his eyes staring back at mine. He smirked and said, "Sorry, princess." The way he called me princess stuck to my ears like a leech draining out my energy. His voice filled my head, and I tried to overpower it with my own thoughts.

"Remember what I said, Leah," Leonard said. Leonard was being very attentive. It was unusual only because for a long while he had been so distant and occupied. It was nice. Him being protective and looking after me, like he used to. I had originally planned to drive myself to school, but he had been concerned. It being the first day back and students from the east side being at our school.

We slowly drove into the parking lot and passed two girls, not wearing uniforms. They stared right into the car and into me. They looked disgusted at the sight of me- their faces scrunched up and their jaws tight. Their eyes. . .No one had ever looked at me the way they looked at me before. Such intensity. Such anger. I thought I would never forget them.

"If anything happens, come to me. . .or Daniel." Daniel. I had forgotten that I was suppose to meet up with Daniel at some point. But I had no idea where to look. No matter where I looked there were people that didn't have uniforms strangely mixed in with the ones that did.

"It's like we need yellow tape. . .or maybe a quarantine," Timothy said.

"It'll get sorted out," Leonard said parking in the first spot he saw rather than his usual spot in the front. Right when I got out of the car a girl, wearing a short denim skirt and converse, walked pass me squeezing between me and the car next to Leonard's. I pressed up against Leonard's car and kept my head down.

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