Chapter Six

54 15 11

September 6 2016 - Tuesday



(Song: 9 Crimes by Damien Rice ft. Lisa Hannigan)

Spending time in the library, after school, was a good way to waste time and not have to go home right away, even if the only thing there was to do was examine book covers. I walked into the library, and Ms. Francis smiled at me as I passed by her. She was behind the check out counter reading a book. I sat in the back, like I usually did. It was a nice spot because it was away from everything else. It was like I had my own private space in a school that was usually confined with people. I was reading from a textbook and writing down notes when I heard footsteps. I quickly raised my head and my shoulders jolted up.

"Oh, did I scare you?" The same guy from last week stood in front of me. My heart started racing the instant I saw him.

"No, you just shocked me, a little," I said putting my hand to my chest to settle my heart.

"I wanted to thank you for the list." He smiled, a small smile. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I smiled too.

"You're welcome."

"My name is Trent, by the way. I realized that I didn't introduce myself the first time we spoke."


"That's a beautiful name." There was this uneasy feeling that seemed to nest itself in my limbs and in my head. I averted my eyes from his. I started looking at his chin, but settled on his shirt.

". . .Thanks."

"I feel like I owe you."


"For the list, I feel like I owe you."

"No. Why would you- you don't owe me for that. It was nothing."

"No, I really appreciated it. I would like to repay you."

"Seriously, it's not-"

"How about I buy you a coffee?"


"Yeah. I've seen a cafe near here. We could go there sometime, and I can buy you a coffee."

"Oh, uh." The uneasy feeling evolved into complete anxiety. A hole was forming around me and the shovel was in my hands.

"It could be this weekend."

"That- I can't. I have to. . .study. I have a lot to study for." My mind was churning for words and ideas, but all I kept getting was silence, like something was blocking the signals in my brain.

"It doesn't have to be this weekend."

"I, uh, I don't know. I don't even like coffee."

"It doesn't have to be coffee."

"Uhm, It's really not necessary. And I-" I gathered up my stuff and stood up. "I just realized that I need to get home." I quickly grabbed my backpack off the ground and held my books to my chest. I walked in a rush to pass the guy and picked up my pace once I did. I felt like a terrible person when I reached the front of the library.

"Leah," Ms. Francis called, motioning for me to come to her. I looked back to check if the guy was behind me, but I didn't see him. I walked over to the check out counter, while keeping an eye out. "Are you okay, Leah? You look a little sick."

"I'm fine." In my head, I begged her to quickly end the conversation so that I could leave.

"Are you sure? Was that guy bothering you?"

"No, no. I just forgot that I needed to get home earlier."

"Okay, then. Be careful getting home." She smiled, and I walked in a flurry all the way to my car.

I felt heavy and horrible during the entire drive home. Different parts of my brain argued with each other and shouted at me. How could I have been so rude? How could I have been so stupid? Why didn't I just say that I had a boyfriend? He was asking me out on a date, wasn't he? Or was he just trying to be nice? What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I just use my words?



(Song: Creep (Cover by Daniela Andrade))

Why? How could she have been so callous towards me? I thought I had presented myself well enough. I was nice. I was charming. But she just ran away. . .like I had some type of disease. She even jumped when she first saw me. Maybe she was scared of me. Maybe she was just like all the others from west side, stuck up and judgmental. She hated me because I didn't have as much money as her. I wasn't from the same area as her. I was nothing but a poor thug to her and everyone else like her. She probably despised being around me.

How could the world have so much hate for me? Bad things always happened and nothing ever worked out. I was able to witness a goddess in the flesh, but only to have her snub me so easily. How could the world tease me in such a crude way? Seeing another girl that was as beautiful as her was impossible. It was like the point of my existence was to suffer.

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