Chapter 20 : Hell Hole

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David's Pov







Six words which perfectly described this cage I'm in.

"D-D-Daniel, you just hanging on," I Asked my brother, his cage was at the back of mine, Zander's and Zen's were together too.

 "Yah I'm trying to get a grip." He whispered to me. We had all received a good beating from the baboons, who locked us up.

 I had five broken ribs, my leg is bleeding and several cuts, Daniel is not much better. I guess Sara wants us to die of Infection or hunger or thirst. I stole a bottle of water from one of the guards, and that's what's been keeping us all going.

I tired of using my power but I got shocked by my chains. We were all chained Daniel by his feet with the blood running to his head, Zen by his wrists, Zander by his ankles so he can't super speed and Me chained by my neck like a dog, I feel so weak. So helpless. So worthless.

The girls.



Dyce. I held back my tears I need to help them,but I can't even help myself.

Sara seems to have a reason for all of this. She must be working with or for someone else.

I heard two guards begin conservation. I decided to listen to it.

"Hey man "

" Hey, you heard the news, right?"

"What news? "

" That he's coming for the prisoners, he wants to kill them himself."

"Qhut is coming here, of course, and he's coming in 3 days ".

" Wow, that's interesting, but they're just kids. Why is he so interested in them ".

" I don't know rumours say that he has a score to settle."

I wanted to scream, but my body and voice were too weak for that. I could feel Daniel freaking out. The between all of us was block like a wall, but I could still communicate with Daniel.

" We are going to die."

"No, we are not."

"Yes we are "

" No we aren't, didn't you hear we have three days to get out of here."

"OK got any plans Dav."

" Nope," I say with a heavy sigh. 



" FINE."

"I miss Dawn and Danny."

"Same here Lil brother."

"I'm bored."

"Are you  crazy, we've  been kidnapped, and you're bored."

"Yeah, it's probably all the blood rushing to my head."




"When we get out to let's kill Sara and Qhut but burn Qhut "

" Sure but man you sound like Danny."

"And you sound like Dawn."


We laughed for the first time in 2 days.

Sooooo, hiiiiii
The boys are alive and Qhut is coming oh Nooo but so are a bunch of angry teenagers. Hmmmm.. Interesting battle ahead Luvs.


And quote for this chapter

I'm perfectly imperfect

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