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Chapter 4

>Cheren’s POV<

I stood in the shadows of a cave my nerves sounding like an alarm. I glanced around the cave and readjusted my glasses on my nose. I sighed and glared at N in a warning. I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again feeling Bianca pinch my arm next to me. I turned and frowned at her just as the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor. I stepped back further into the shadows pulling Bianca back with me. N stepped forward White’s body in his arms. Elisa hid from sight behind a boulder just as three team plasma grunts stepped out into the corridor. Two of them gasped at the sight of White in N’s arms. “Who...?” N shook his head in reply. “It doesn’t matter. We need to take her to the castle.” One of the team plasma grunts nodded and stepped forward to take White out of N’s arms. N glared at the grunt and he paused. “Lord N...” I nodded at Bianca and stepped out of the shadows. “Hello. I don’t think we have met before.” The grunt turned to face me just as I swung my arm around and punched the grunt in the jaw. The grunt stumbled back clearly surprised whilst I muttered curses under my breath. I clutched onto my wrist whilst Elisa tripped up a grunt that was running to their team mate’s aid. The grunt groaned and fell onto the floor. Elisa stepped out of her hiding place she blew a kiss at the fallen grunt and punched the grunt until she had been knocked out. Elisa grinned. I yelled out in alarm feeling my legs being pulled out from beneath me. I yelled and hit the ground just as Bianca stepped out of her hiding place. She yelled and used her bag and hit the grunt across the back of his head. She yelled a war cry and carried on hitting the grunt across the back of the head until they lay crumbled on the floor. I gasped at seeing the grunt lying on the floor before I burst out laughing. Bianca offered me a hand up which I accepted. I stood and pushed Bianca to the ground. She yelped in surprise and I bent to pick up her fallen bag and swung it around hitting the finale grunt across the face. The grunt yelled in surprised and fell back into Elisa. Elisa caught the grunt in her arms and pressed the back of the grunts neck. The grunt crumbled to the floor in a lifeless grunt. “Well... that could have gone better.” I laughed at Bianca's comment. “No. I think that went about as well as we had planned.” I turned for the first time noticing N hiding in between two rocks his body shielding White’s. I pulled Bianca back up to her feet and brushed the dirt of her clothing. “We don’t have time for that. Quick, we need to change.” I nodded at Elisa’s comment and sighed. 


I walked through the corridors in the castle. Elisa was to my left and Bianca was to my right. Behind me N was carrying White in his arms.  We stopped after five minuets or so for N to readjust White’s body in his arms. We stopped again outside a set of towering brown doors. I exchanged a glance of curiosity with Bianca before I stepped forward and knocked on the door. Behind me I heard N shift White in his arms. I stood and waited hearing the sound of voices at the other side of the door before it swung open. I bit back a glare at seeing Ghetsis standing in front of me. I stepped back seeing Ghetsis glare at me. N pushed past me slight sadness in his eyes. “Father...” Ghetsis gaze turned from my face to N and then to White who was still cradled in N’s eyes. “Who... is she?” I stepped out of Ghetsis way as he walked towards N and then barged past him to face me. “You... you look familiar.” Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Bianca shiver and gulp. Her expression showing clearly the emotion that I was feeling. I resisted the urge to step back seeing Ghetsis lean forwards towards me. “Father...” Ghetsis head turned towards N who had paled slightly. Ghetsis glanced at me once more before turning to face N. “Well boy. Are you going to answer my question?” N nodded his eyes gazing down at White’s face. “She is in need of the antidote.” Ghetsis chuckled softly and stepped towards N, a nasty glee in his eyes. He circled N and White slowly but purposefully. “She is in need of the antidote is she? Oh do tell me son. What makes her so important to receive the antidote?”

“I have chosen her to be my queen.” Ghetsis paused behind N, slight shock showing in his expression. “She... she is to be your queen?” N nodded silently his eyes now refusing to meet Ghetsis’s gaze. “Yes. It is her who I have chosen.” Ghetsis moved quickly in front of N his frowning gaze focussed on White’s unconscious face. His eyes analysed her appearance. “She is the one you chose. After all of the women I presented to you. It is her you pick?” N nodded again silent. I glanced towards Elisa and Bianca a slight knot of worry creeping into my gut. My gaze quickly moved back to Ghetsis who was laughing. “ must be kidding me.” N shook his head in silence. Ghetsis gaze narrowed and his laughter stopped. “There is no way, in this world, that I will let my son, the king of team plasma, marry a good for nothing Pokémon trainer. Especially not one who has foiled all of our plans to take over this region! Do you understand me?” I cringed at Ghetsis voice which echoed down the corridor that we still stood in. “And you lot-” Ghetsis spun on his heel to face me. I cringed and took a step back. “- are no team plasma grunts.” I turned to face the shadows just as one of the seven sages stepped out of the shadows, Zinzolin. I turned to face Bianca just as another one of the seven sages, Bronius, leant forward and grabbed her. “No. Bianca!” I ran towards Bianca just as Zinzolin grabbed my shoulder. I turned and glared at him just as I was pinned to the floor. I yelled in pain feeling something dig into my ribs. I turned my head to face Elisa who was still up and standing. Behind her I saw Rood lying unmoving apparently knocked out. I winced seeing another sage join Giallo and surround Elisa. My eyes continued to stare at Elisa as Ryoku ran towards Elisa. She ducked and turned to run down the corridor away from the two sages. “That’s it Elisa. Run. Run and get help!” Zinzolin pinched my neck causing me to yelp in pain. I winced in pain and let my yell die in my throat. I turned to face Ghetsis whose brow was furrowed in anger. He turned to face his grunts behind him. “Go! Follow her. She must not escape!” the two grunts nodded and turned to run after Elisa. I shifted my gaze away from the two running grunts and back to Ghetsis. He leant down and held my chin in his hands. He pushed my hood of my head and pulled the orange wig off my head. He grinned and pulled me to my feet so that I stood beside Bianca. I squeezed her hand with my free hand in comfort. “Since you two seemed to like team plasma so much then why don’t I let Zinzolin give you a tour, a tour of the prisons that is.” I glared at Ghetsis and winced feeling my wrists pinch together behind my back by Zinzolin who pushed me down towards the corridor that lead towards the prisons. We paused at the corner that lead of the corridor. I turned to look at Ghetsis who turned to face N who was stood with White still in his arms. I turned to face in another direction just as I heard the sound of skin meeting skin.


Hey there all of my little Eevee’s. First of all sorry about this chapter being this short but heck. I was struggling to work out what to write and all of that. A little bit of writers block as I'm sure you would all understand. Anyways I'm sure you all enjoyed this chapter. Anyways why don’t you give me some feedback about what you will think that will happen. I will reply to all comments. And don’t forget to check out my Darke ACADEMY story. So far it’s gotten 95 reads and it’s still being written. Anyway just so you know. The next chapter will probably also be short but only because I'm going to do it from Elisa’s or N’s POV. Why don’t you tell me who I should do and ill do it. also if any of you guys bother to comment I can then dedicate this story to you because heck, I'm feeling kind. And oh btw I'm also doing an OC opening. Basically if you have an OC that you want to be featured in the story then you just tell me in a COMMENT BELOW. Anyways for those of you who do not know the names that I picked for the gorms are in fact real and I actually researched into their meanings and stuff. Anyway I decided to write them below for you all.

Zinzolin is French for reddish purple.

Gorm is Irish for Blue. Yet.

Bronius is German for brown.

Giallo is Italian for yellow.

Ryoku is Japanese for emerald green.

Rood is Dutch for red.

Anyways see you later all of my little Eevee’s.

And don’t forget.



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