"Why haven't you come home?"

He moved a peice of my bangs out of my face and said,"I have, you just don't know it yet..."

"What does that even mean? Are you dead? Are you alive? Why aren't you telling me these things?" I was starting to get really annoyed.

"Woah, woah, woah. Take a deep breathe, Astrid." He said.

"Hiccup, I just need to know. Can you at least answer one of my questions?"

"I'm not telling you these type of things, because if I tell you, then things will go start to go a little crazy."

I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance, "Why are you so stuborn?"

He chuckled, "I was born like this"

I looked at him with a concerned expression on my face,"It's and viking thing" I said, quoting what he used to say when we were kids.

He shook his head and looked down, "Astrid, I'm not and viking, I never have been." He looked back up at me, "You know that."

I looked down, trying to hide the tears swelling in my eyes.

He cupped his hand around my face and gently pulled my face up to look at him. He gave me a sad smile and wiped away some of my tears with his thumb.

"I brought someone who wanted to see you." He said in an excited tone, trying to cheer me up.

"Who?" I asked.

Just then Stormfly flew into the cove.

I gasped, "Stormfly!" I exclaimed happily.

She then squawked excitedly and ran over to me.

"I missed you!"

Hiccup chuckled.

After a short while Hiccup told me that Stormfly had to go back because the other dragons were going to wake up soon.



"Do you have any tattoos."

He chuckled, "Yeah, you wanna see them?"

I nodded my head slowly.

He then turned around and pulled his shirt off.

Holy shit!

He had such a muscular back and he had the same Night Fury on his back as the Uknown Enemy, but he doesn't have all the other tattoos.

I slowly traced his tattoo with my hand and he turned his head to the side so that he could somewhat see behind him.

"Huh...." I said deep in thought.

I slipped his shirt back on and turned back towards me.

"You should probably start waking up, he's going to wake up soon."

"Ok, but what are all those scars on your back from?"

A sad look came across his face, "Childhood." Was all that he needed to say for me to understand.

"I'm so sorry..."

He shook his head, " Don't be..,"

He pulled me into a hug and said," See you soon."

Before I could react, I woke up.

*week time skip*

The Unknown Enemy's wound is healed, everything in the village is repaired, and the Unknown Enemy is sleeping on the table right now.

I decided to take another look at his tattoos, while he was sleeping because I wanted to avoid the awkwardness of him being awake.

Once I was admiring his tattoos, I noticed some things that I hadn't noticed before....

Once I was admiring his tattoos, I noticed some things that I hadn't noticed before

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On all four corners of his back, there was writing.

The first cornner said: The Useless.

Why does that sound so familiar?

The second cornner said: The Savior.

So he has a good side?

I guess I saw that coming...

The third cornner said: The Dragon Rider.

Could have guessed that one...

The fourth cornner said: The Unknown Enemy.

My mind kept trailing off to the first name, but I still couldn't place it. Then I spotted another tattoo.... their was a cheif symbol on both of his arms, but not just any kind of cheif symbol, it was the symbol you put on new cheifs of Berk.

Why would he have those on his arms?

Then a flash back came:

We were walking out of the arena, after the first day of dragon killing school. And I heard Snotlout yell at Hiccup...

"What did you say to Astrid?!?" Yelled Snotlout

Hiccup, just stood there, looking up at Snotlout. With an terrorized expression on his face.

"Answer me Useless??!? " bellowed Snotlout

Flashback ended...

Well, he did say that he knew Hiccup.

Just then, I noticed a pair of eyes on me, I looked down and noticed the Unknown Enemy was awake.

"Oh gods!" I exclaimed, taking a quick step back.

He chuckled and I punched him in the shoulder, witch just made him laugh harder.

"Can I ask you something?"

He gave me a confused look, but said "Sure, what's up?"

"Why do you have Berk's cheif crest tattooed on your arms?"

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