Connect the Dots pt 2

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(Hiccups POV)

Well, the two of you used to be friends ever since you were little. You guys used to play warrior in the forest, those were the games you came up with. Along with adventure games, those were the games he came up with. The two of you used to always get in trouble because you were too young to be playing in the forest. On some days you guys would go to the Great Hall with Fishlegs and spend the entire day reading. You guys were basically friends from birth until-

I took a moment to recollect myself from the memories.

Until what?

Until all of you guys turned ten and everyone hit there growth spurts. All except the cheifs son, of course. H-

Wait, who is everyone?

Everyone is Snotlout,Ruff,Tuff,Fishlegs,and you.

She seemed surprised when I mentioned the other teens.

So they know about the cheifs son?


What was his name?

Hiccup Horrindous Haddock III

Hm..what else happened?

Once the 5 of you became bigger than Hiccup, well, let's just say that he wasn't treated fairly.

Did i-?

She couldn't finish her sentance.

No, not accept what you said, but he was bullied by the other 3 kids.

The other 3?

Yeah, Fishlegs usually didn't do anything except walk away.

Usually? She quoted.

Yeah, but that's for another time. Anyway, Hiccup was bullied by Snotlout and the twins. Just a week after everyone had turned ten, well, actually you turned ten-Hiccup was on his way to the forge. He had been working there ever since he was five. So he was on his way there-

Wait, Snotlout and the twins used to bully him and he used to work for Gobber?

She sounded almost bettayed.

Yep. So he was on his way to the forge when Snotlout-his own cousin-pushed him to the ground. Let's just say he wasn't very strong. When he went to get up from the ground, Snotlout punched him in his face. So Hiccup got back up and tried to run, but when he did, the twins held him in place, by holding his arms. He put all his energy and weight in to try and free himself of their grip, but he wasn't strong enough. Therefore, Snotlout punch him until he could barely move. Then the twins let him drop helplessly onto the floor and joined in on kicking him in his sides until he coughed up blood.

That's not bulling, that's.....

She scrambled for words.

Yeah, I know.

And you just sat back and watched this happen?!?

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