Astrid the Terrorist

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(Hiccups POV)

It took a couple of days for Astrid's wound to heal. While she was letting her cut heal, I was telling her more stories about Hiccup-well, me.

All this felt like centuries ago, but with Astrids around, it all came rushing back, almost like it had been yesterday. But yet, the wasnt. I have been off of Berk for 6 years now.

Once I finished telling her yet another story about Hiccup getting beat by the twins and Snotlout, she asked me a question.

"How do you know all of this?" She asked, almost looking like the question had bothered her for days. "Did you grow up with us on Berk?"

" depends on how you put it."

She stared at me for a long moment, then said "Why did he hate his father so much?"


She placed a hand on my shoulder, sympathetically, "It's ok, you can tell me."

I turned my head away from her.

She sighed, " I should probably get some rest anyway. I'll see you when I wake up?"

(Astrids POV)

I had been growing very fond of the Unknown Enemy. I know, I know, how could I start befriending the Enemy? But he proves that he is not one, everyday that I am with him.

"I should probably get some sleep anyway. I'll see you when I wake up?"

I always liked waking up in the mornings, seeing him there, holding a tray of breakfast for me. He was a really good cook.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you in the morning."

"What if I wake up before then?" I asked testingly.

"You dont. Everyday you go to sleep around this time and then wake up around 6:00 in the morning."

He wasn't wrong. So I just rolled my eyes and went to my chamber I had. Yep, Astrid Hofferson has her chamber at the Unknown Enemy's place.

I laughed to my self. The whole situation was completely ironic.

*short time skip*

I was lying in the cove, wearing my usual. I was looking straight up at the sky.

Then I was a face come into veiw.

"Hiccup?!?" I scrambled to my feet.

He smiled. I'm in love with that smile of his, but after everything I have learned about him, it's hard to believe the boy still knew how to smile.

"Erm...Astrid are you ok?" He asked. "You look like you have seen a ghost."

"Hiccup I need to ask you something and I need you to answer me. Truthfully." I said sternly.

"O-ok?" He answered questioning.

"A-are you...." I swallowed hard at what I was thinking. ".....a-d-dead?"

"What?!? No,no,no. I'm very much alive."

"So where are you?"

He sighed. "It's complicated."

"Yeah, I've heard that many times before ." I said dryly.

He looked up at me, you remember that. "Yeah but it's always from you and the Unknown Enemy." I paused, then cautiously added, " So what did your dad do to you?"

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