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(Hiccups POV)

Astrid little bit after I sent Heather to go find Astrid, Astrid walked into the  learing. She saw the Nadder, but didn't react like I thought she would. Instead of trying to fight the Nadder, she talked to the Nadder with a kind voice.

They spent hours training together. I knew Astrid was going to get along with this Nadder well!

A horn blew, meaning there was a town hall meeting, but then there was a second one, meaning that it was only for the older residents of the village.

Astrid sighed and then turned to where I was hiding.

I froze.

She laughed. "You know hiding in dark places doesn't work for you two."

Both Toothless and I walked into the clearing. I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed.

"How long did you know I was there?"

She rolled her eyes. "That's doesn't matter, right now, I need your help."

"Sure. What for?"

"We need to sneak into that meeting."

"Why what is it about?"

"I don't know, but the cheif hasn't been himself lately." I lied, I did know what the meeting was about, but I wasn't going to tell him that, I want to let him find out.

"Alright, let's go."
(Stoicks POV)

I told Mulch to go blow the horn for the meeting, while Bucket got all the people gathered, and Phlegma prepared the food. Buckets main job was to make sure that not a single kid slipped in, I was mostly worried about the teens of the village. Gobber's job was to look out for the Unknown Enemy or any other dangers.

While everybody was doing there jobs I walked back to my hut, to grab the plans.

When I finally made it up to the house I noticed the candle was no longer lit, but I shrugged it off because flames can die out, but the second thing I noticed was that the plans were gone. 

I searched all over the house, but I couldn't find then. Then I remembered that Astrid was in here earlier and she was acting strange.

How did I not realize that!?!

My face grew red with anger and I clutched my hands into fists, until my knuckles turned white. Then I stormed off towards Astrid's hut and knocked furiously on the door.

No answer.

So then I yelled for.

Still no answer.

So I decided to just bust open the door, little did I know that she reinforced the door with painted metal. My foot stung with pain.

I yelled out in fury.
(Astrids POV)

We were walking the the edge of the forest and around the back cornner of my hut.

That's when we saw the angered cheif knocking furiously on my door.

"Who's hut is that?" Asked the Enemy.

Before I could answer the cheif yelled out my name.

"You have your own hut?"

"Yep." The cheif swung back his foot ready to kick open the door. "Just wait until he finds out the the door is reinforced with metal."

Then the cheif yelled in pain.

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