bubblemilktae takes a decade to publish new chapter

26 0 3

You might wonder why and here are the reasons to answer your question:

1. Writer block do haunt.

2. English is a second language for me. So it is pretty challenging to create even a single beautiful paragraph in the language. But don't worry, i won't write carelessly, that's the motto XD.

3. Constantly changing scene(s) in one chapter. For example: i've done the writing, yet i got unsatisfied with one scenario, then i might re-do. Also, i do consider when someone suggest to include mature scenes 😏

4. I am busy with uni / intern.

5. People sticking their butts a lot that i hardly hide in the corner to write my fanfiction. Pardon bae.

6. Author nim was busy dating a guy for a while X^X now that i'm back to single squad (yes i broke up with him!), i start to continue my wattpad journey.

7. Or i am just being a lazy ass.


Did i solve the mystery why i disappear?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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