(Chapter 20) Car Crashed

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"I'm thinking of joining the Frog Choir! You want to join along with me?" Hazel asked me unexpectedly, I shrugged. "Sure, I guess I'll join. But you know that it isn't like a club, its an extra curricular subject."

"Then it's settled! Let's report to Professor Flitwick once we're at Hogwarts," Hazel chirps happily, clapping her hands with glee, ignoring what I just said. "I think we're suppose report to Snape, he's the head of the house, and the person who does our time tables." I told her, she stopped clapping and froze, "Can you tell him, whenever I ask him something he always glares at me."

I nodded, "Sure, ill do it"

Relief washed over Hazel, she reached into her pocket, "Here, it's one of those blood flavored lollipops," she took out two of them, and handed one to me, "Thanks-"

"Didn't you have tons of those last year? what happened to them? I've never seen you eat them at Hogwarts ever since you got about twenty of them in the train." Hazel cut me off, tearing off the plastic from her lollipop. "Oh, well the twins stole them," I answered, tearing off the plastic from my lollipop.

"Why did they steal them?" Hazel asked, and licked her lollipop. "Because I smushed a cupcake onto George's uniform, it was an accident, I swear." I answered, licking my lollipop. Hazel giggled, "You sure talk about them a lot, especially George. Do you maybe, fancy George Weasley?" she wiggled her eyebrows, I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"No, I like him as a brother, I will never love him more than a brother." I deadpanned. "You say that now, but later you'll regret it," Hazel muttered loudly, and crossed her arms. "You say as if I'm going to fall in love with George." I scoffed, 'Like that would happen!'.

"Then lets make a bet," Hazel proposed, sounding confident.

She continued, "If you fall in love with George before he leaves Hogwarts, then you owe me twenty galleons. But if you don't fall in love with him before he leaves Hogwarts, then I owe you twenty galleons. Are you on?"

I smirked, "I'm on, you might want to prepare your galleons, Hazel."

"I don't think so," Hazel replied cheekily, "You're the one that should prepare the galleons."

"We're done!" Pansy shrilled from inside the compartment, "Well there goes Pans." Hazel said with the lollipop in her mouth. I opened the compartment door, waiting for Hazel to enter. "No Legilimency on me this year, unless you need too." Hazel whispered to me, then walked into the compartment.

'I only see George as a brother', I thought while closing the compartment door. Hazel patted on the seat next to her, giving me her normal smile. "Take a seat, we're going to arrive in two hours or so."

. . .

"Come on, we get too ride the carriages!" Pansy squealed, plopping herself down onto the horse pulling carriage. I knew that only a person who've seen death can see the Thestrals, fortunately they all couldn't see them since they never seen death.

I settled myself down, with Hazel sitting next to me, and across from us were Pansy and Millicent. The carriage started moving, all the girls except for me were gawking and squealing in delight. "Can you believe that the carriage is pulling itself! Salazar, this is better than those small boats last year." Millicent sneered, we all murmured in agreement. 'But last year we had a wicked view of the castle'

After a while I looked at the Thestrals, they looked completely fleshless, of which every bone was visible. Their heads were dragonish, and their pupil-less eyes white and staring. The folded black leathery wings looked as though they ought to belong to giant bats. To me they looked beautiful, and special. I smiled at them warmly, wishing that I could just go pet it.

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