(Chapter 32) End of Second Year

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George and I had met up at the library after classes had ended, it was because I had taken up his offer on helping me study for exams, even if I really didn't need the help. It's just a few spells that I wanted to try out and a few essays I wanted to finish. 

"What's the spell for turning animals into water goblet?" I asked George, leaning across the table for his answer.

George looked away from my eyes, I realized that he's been staring at me the whole time, "Vera Verto, wanna try it out? Just tap your wand three times and say the incantation." he said, a little flustered.

I nodded and pointed my wand at Ginger, tapping my wand at Ginger three times I said the incantation, "Vera Verto,"

Ginger transformed a glass water goblet, crested with beautiful floral patterns. "Wicked," I gasped, carefully picking up the goblet to examine it.

George chuckled at my surprised expression, "I know right, did it to Errol when I was in my second year, Percy got really sour about it."

I chuckled and placed down the goblet, George whispered a spell and slowly the water goblet changed back to my pet owl. Ginger hooted at me angrily. "Sorry 'bout that, there was no other animal in sight- not counting George that is." I resorted, a cheeky grin on my face.

George rolled his eyes, "You sure have a weird relationship with your owl," he commented, pointing at Ginger.

"Yeah," My eyes trailed to Ginger whose eyes were flicking back forth between George and I.

"Shhh! No talking in the library," Madam Pince shushed with a scowl, she then quickly spotted a group of giggling Ravenclaws four tables down, she started marching towards their table with a glare.

George and I exchanged annoyed looks, we continued to help each other study. Occasionally popping a few jokes.

"Erm, Lucinda, what would you add to draughts for thickening?" George asked quietly and sheepishly looked up from his potion notes. "Forgot to take notes in Potions today."

"Leech Juice," I answered, dipping my quill in ink I simply continued writing my essay. "But if the juice of one leech doesn't work then add a second, it usually takes about five minutes for the potion to thicken."

George nodded and scribbled it down on his pieces of parchment.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall's voice echoed through the entire school, magically magnified. "All students are to return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers to the second-floor corridor immediately."

My face paled, I looked around to see that everyone was packing up their books and scrolls of parchment, their expressions all the same, scared. "Come on, let's go," George whispered, shaking me on the shoulder.

Nodding, I stacked up my unfinished essays and placed then inside my bag along with my quills and bottles of ink. "Ginger, go back to the dorm." he hooted and flew out of the library, his action was caught by an unsuspecting Madam Pince.

"No owls in the library!" She screamed at me and George. "Out now, both of you!"

We quickly exited the library, with our bags. "Sorry to get you in trouble, too." I said sheepishly, giving him an apologetic smile.

"No problem," George waved it off with a carefree grin. "Fred and I got banned from the library in our first year, we dung bombed the whole place."

"Madam Pince must've been angry about that one."

"She was,"

Just before I could say goodbye, George pulled me into a tight hug. "Stay safe," he whispered in my right ear.

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