Chapter 5

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own any Percy Jackson characters!!

TW: violence!

Percy P.O.V.

"Is it just me, or has Annabeth been more cheerful lately?" I asked Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico as I sat down on my bed. Being best friends with my cousins had its perks. I'm able to talk to them about anything and they were honest with me and I would do the same for them. But, it also means I can never get rid of them. No matter how hard I try. They never leave my house.
"Yeah," replied Jason, "and it looks like you two are getting closer." He elbowed my arm. I shot a glare over to him.
"Don't you dare try to deny that statement Percy Jackson. I can see your crush from a mile away." Nico said pointedly.
"It's not that obvious." I mumbled.
"Ha." Hazel started. "Please. Nico noticed."
"Hey!" Nico hit his sister with a pillow that he pulled from my bed.
"Alright fine. I have a crush. But she barely knows me, no way she would ever like me back."
"Ok," Thalia snorted. I glanced around at them.
"What?" I asked. Thalia gave me a look that said, 'are you stupid?'
"Are you stupid?"
"You are so oblivious. Di immortals!"
They all stared at me expectantly and I stared back at them blankly.
"Are you gonna tell me why I'm stupid or what?"
"Do you not see the way she looks at you?" Jason asked me. I narrowed my eyebrows.
"What looks?"
"Oh my gods!" Hazel threw hands up in the air in frustration.
"She likes you!" Thalia smacked me lightly on the cheek. "You dumbass."
"Christ Perseus." Nico put his head on his hands.
"You are going to be the death of us." Thalia rolled her eyes. I spread my arms.
"How was I supposed to know?"
"It's stuff you just gotta pick up on man." Jason put a cupped hand on my shoulder and let out a chuckle. "No wonder you've never had a girlfriend."
"Rachel doesn't count." Nico pointed at me.
"Yes she does!"
"You guys went on one date! That does not count." Hazel backed up her brother.
"We kissed!"
"And I've kissed Leo, what's your point?" Thalia shot back. They all started laughing on what must've been the look on my face.
"I think you're kissed turned her gay." Nico put in.
"Now that's just not fair." I pointed at Nico.
"If you kissed me I'd probably turn straight."
"You're my cousin!"
"Fuck you guys."

Annabeth P.O.V.

Running. The best way to clear my mind. The only thing that really actually helps me to focus. It's gets my body moving and my mind can finally shut off for a moment. That's why I love it. Ever since my dad left the country, I've been doing it every chance I get.
I'll run just about anywhere. Near corporate buildings, in parks, in nice little neighbor hoods with families that are having barbecues in their backyards. My favorite though would have to be the rich neighbor hoods.
The houses are so big and majestic. People are always coming and going in their nice fancy cars. Sometimes the nice housewives wave at me. Plus, I don't have to worry about some thug jumping me during my run.
Which is the situation that I am currently in.
I threw an elbow into the guys ribs and he let out a gasp for breath. I tried to start running again, but he grabbed my ankle, pulling me to the ground. He crawled on top of me and started feel up my body, no doubt looking for anything to steal.
Or he was just trying to feel me up.
I tried to fight him off of me but he gripped my hair in his hands and pulled my head up before slamming back down on the ground. He didn't do it that hard but I was definitely going to have a headache for the next couple of days. He ripped my phone out of my hand and I let out a shout of protest, but before I could do anything else, I felt his weight come off of me. I sat up and watched as some guy punched the thug in the face. He passed out instantly. The guy stooped down and picked up my phone. He turned back around to hand it to me and his eyes went wide.
"Oh my god, Annabeth!"
He held his hand out and I grabbed it gratefully. Suddenly I heard another person call out my name. I spun around and a dark haired girl was throwing her arms around me.
"Piper? What are you guys doing here?"
"I work here! What are you doing here?" Piper asked me as she pulled away.
"I was just in a run. Then he jumped me and here we are." I turned back to Frank and he handed me my phone.
"Thanks. Do you work here too?" I glanced at the shop that we were in front of. Some cute boutique. Frank shook his head.
"No, I just came here to get some earring for Hazel's birthday. Piper gives me discounts. Are you ok? I saw that he tripped you."
I shook my head, but that did nothing to help my growing headache.
"Well he did kind of slam my head into the ground. I would really appreciate some Advil." I mumbled.
"Sure thing." Piper grabbed my hand. "I got it from here Frank." He nodded and waved goodbye. Piper led me inside the store and took me to the back. There she gave me some medicine and a water.
"You just wait here. My shift is done in twenty minutes and then I'll take you back to my place."
"That's not necessary Piper. I can just run back home."
"No ma'am, not if you have a potential concussion. You're my patient for the weekend. Plus, I've been wanting to have a girls night with you anyways."
"I don't know..."
"No ands, ifs, or buts Annabeth. You're coming over and that's final." I gave her a soft smile.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Ok then nurse Piper. I'll be waiting here."
"Good. I'll be back in ten."
"I thought you said you had twenty minutes left?"
"Eh, the boss likes me." She shot me a wink. "Be back soon."
I gave her another smile and sat back in my chair. Well, guess I'm not doing homework this weekend.

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