The New Republic Consitution

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The Senate roared. Suddenly there was only black.

Luke opened his eyes. What had it all meant? Then he realized. The Jedi had been so closed off from the Senate that they couldn't do anything when Palpatine gave himself power. All they could do was take matters into their own hands secretly, which was legally treason. Then he framed them and hunted all of them down for 'treason.' It could all happen again.

Luke sat down in a chair and began to write. He knew what he constitution had been missing. After he was done he read his new additions to the constitution.

If in the case of an emergency the Jedi council and the Senate together will appoint a new Chancellor. In an extreme emergency the Jedi council can arrest anyone in power who threatens the Galaxy. They will bring them before the Senate for a fair trial.

The Senate cannot vote to disband or exterminate any Jedi. They will have no power over the Jedi or its council. It may meet with the Jedi council to discuss or suggest, but in no circumstances may give ruling or orders to the Jedi.

The Jedi cannot have any power over the Senate other than in extreme emergency agreed upon by the Senate. They may meet and suggest, but never order or rule.

The Jedi can never be put into full power over the Senate. It may however be put into shared power with the Senate in the state of emergency.

Luke looked proudly at his additions. He looked the paper over with the Force for any weaknesses. He smiled when he found none. The constitution was now complete.

The next day Luke told the group what he had added and let them look it over as well. They all found what he had added as favorable and declared the constitution finished and ready for the comity to see.

On the day of the approval Luke stood before the comity. He presented the constitution to them and read off every article. After Luke was done he passed it around and let everyone look it over and inspect it. Luke sat down watching all of the leaders.

When it finally got to Mon-Mothma she looked it over with great concentration and examination. She took the longest to look it over since it seemed she read it four times.

Luke could feel Leia and the three others shifting in their seats. They were incredibly nervous. Luke himself had to clam himself a couple times.

Finally Mon-Mothma looked up from the long paper and stood.

"After reviewing the completed New Republic constitution, I here by declare a vote be taken." Mon-Mothma spoke.

She looked around the table.

"All who vote yes to making this the official constitution of the New Republic raise your hand and say, Aye."

Luke looked around the table and saw all but three vote yes.

"Very good. Now all who oppose and believe we should review it again and change what has been written raise your hands." She told them.

Three raised their hands. Mon-Mothma looked to everyone and smiled.

"The aye's have it! I now officially declare this, the Constitution of The New Republic. All who are here sign as witness." She declared.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora